pornography is not an addiction.

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Z_the_B, Mar 31, 2015.

  1. Z_the_B

    Z_the_B Guest

    There is this wonderful site called the art of manliness where they say pornography isn't an addiction.
    "Currently the DSM-5, the Bible of psychiatric diagnosis (which, just like the actual Bible, is super controversial) does not consider behaviors like porn use, eating, or gambling, to be addictions.Only dependence on substances, like drugs, alcohol, and nicotine, are “officially” considered addictions. "

    He further goes on to say- Given the inherent squigginess of the habit vs. addiction spectrum, I personally strongly believe that it’s better to frame it as the former. This is not at all to downplay the severity of compulsive porn use, nor to deny its extremely strong pull

    Labeling impulsive behaviors as addictions may hinder an individual from feeling capable of conquering an undesirable behavior. “Addiction” is a very loaded – even scary — word. When we tell ourselves we have an addiction, we’re implying that we’ve lost control of ourselves, that our ability to make our own choices is impaired, and that it may even be impossible to change course. Something else is in the driver’s seat, so to speak.

    Once you understand the science behind porn use, you can see it for what it really is: sexual junk food. You don’t give your bag of potato chips a menacing aura of power. They’re just potato chips.
    If I thought that labeling compulsive porn use as an addiction could help guys quit, that’s how I’d label it. But I earnestly believe that it is quite the opposite.".
  2. Lemonquack

    Lemonquack Fapstronaut

    Interesting point. I don't know if I agree. Not saying I don't agree-just don't know.
    But you are right. It's about whatever works for you. If it benefits you to think of it this way then your bang on.
    Caveat Emptor likes this.
  3. Hope84

    Hope84 Fapstronaut

    I would just share caution with that statement.
    more than 50% of Americans are obese, if they could they would put the chips down. These are primitive, primal instincts we fight within us.
    The term addiction: "is a chronic brain disease that causes compulsive substance use despite harmful consequences. Health, finances,relationships, and careers can be ruined...." We alter our brain when we indulge in porn, we synthetically induce a dopamine release. These changes negatively affect our lives, personal, relationships with others. Some go into debt, some people destroy their careers, so the way i see it this is very much an addiction. Why is it so common to hear that guys have been fighting/struggling with this since their youth for decades?

    This is just my view point.

    Thanks for sharing this though :)
  4. Z_the_B

    Z_the_B Guest

    Yea of course it destroys lives and its terrible. It is an addiction indeed but that perspective never helps me because it makes me feel something I'd never get out of. I just look at as a habit controlled by a super stimulus.
  5. NamelessJohn

    NamelessJohn Fapstronaut

    If not an addiction, then what would you call it? A very powerful habit? lol
  6. central_jake

    central_jake Fapstronaut

    Not considering porn use an addiction can be dangerous, because it can be interpreted as a license to indulge. If it isn't an addiction, then people will use that as an excuse to binge in it. Sugar may not be as addictive as, say, meth, but that does not give free license to consume a lot of it and expect no harm.
    Caveat Emptor likes this.
  7. Z_the_B

    Z_the_B Guest

    You are just getting too attached to words. We are talking about getting the correct mindset and to inforce a positive attitude here to help us going so that namelessjohn doesn't post threads that he "lost the battle" or "the monster" finally had him in its clutches or quoting famous people on falling down and rising up again.
    Central jake , of course its an addiction. The title was to get the attention of people to help all of us get moving and instill hope. We can't deny the harm it does to us but the situation is such that I'd say we should take both the sides of the same coin in equal spirits.
    The Eleven and Thanatos like this.
  8. I Agree with Rocky_101. "What we Think We Become."
  9. Z_the_B

    Z_the_B Guest

    Yep just cause gets it. Its also what we don't think about because when you don't give PMO the importance you think it should be given, its eliminated from your head and no longer a part of your thoughts which also means we won't spend too much time on nofap either and there have been times for me when hanging out on nofap too much just wanted me to go relapse. Anything to which we give too much importance not to indulge in or to abstain from looks more glamorous. Prohibition is like invitation. Being too precautious isn't the answer either I've tried that.
    I'm fully aware of the fact that its an addiction and I will continue to be aware of it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 1, 2015
  10. Kenzo89

    Kenzo89 Guest

    I think addiction is too strong of a word in itself, however I feel i am addicted to P. It DID start off by being a part time habit, but it then became full time. An addiction means in my mind, to indulge in that which one is dependent on.

    Sorry ppl, i guess this comes down to matter of opinion.

  11. monkotto

    monkotto Fapstronaut

    no one can tell me - that watching several hours porn every day and fapping several times every day is not an addiction.

    and waking up in the middle of the night because of terrible urges and start to fap!

    right this is not an addiction. this behaviour is normal - every men does this.
  12. Z_the_B

    Z_the_B Guest

    Read my above replies, smartass
  13. Stranglethorn

    Stranglethorn Fapstronaut

    Have a look at this experiment

    You'll see how fuzzy modern medicine still is with terms of healthy and unhealthy and how difficult it is to establish categories (think of how much the autism/aspergers spectrum has changed in recent years).
    And even if it isn't an addiction by some definition (although I'd say I definitely go through withdrawal symptoms), it can still be an unhealthy habit. The bottom line is whether you as a person will benefit from changing your amount of exposure to it.
  14. Z_the_B

    Z_the_B Guest

    These are things to help you keep going further down on the journey. OF COURSE ITS AN ADDICTION but not the one for which expensive rehabs are needed! I understand how tough it can be in the beginning because I've been through worse shit myself. That's why we are here. A support community.
    If this isn't your cup of tea? Then don't drink it. Make way for people to whom this perspective might actually help. Its just a perspective and means of not going too hard on yourself. The title was to get attention which I honestly declared. We cannot deny the strong pull PMO has but considering t it as habit and sexual junk food helps me keep my priority in check. Addiction has always been a loaded word. Its important to be aware that its an addiction but don't give PMO the significance, attention, importance it deserves is what Brett tried to say in his article on the art of manliness. Go ahead and read that fully I've just copy pasted very few parafraphs of what he said.

    And thanks for the link stranglethorn. Very interesting.
  15. jbastoniv

    jbastoniv Fapstronaut

    There has been talk about adding it as a disorder and has been suggested to added as an addiction. In the past addiction usual meant there was substance that one became addicted to. At any rate, you can beat an addiction people do all of the time. I quit smoking (that's an addiction). And years ago I quit coke which is highly addictive.
  16. Z_the_B

    Z_the_B Guest

    Of course. I'm sure even the guy who wrote the article realized that this addiction is beatable. That is why he offered this great idea or perspective to help young men give hope and strength and yet be aware of the consequences of indulging in it which is why he wrote a long article on the pitfalls of consuming pornography
  17. 12ove

    12ove Fapstronaut

    I think that if it starts getting in the way in other areas of your life it gas become a handful addiction and needs to be looked at. also if P consumption leads to M is it an addiction then? Bc I thought M was a sin according to Christians
  18. monkotto

    monkotto Fapstronaut


    i was highly addicted to weed (used it for 7 years). i stopped it without any help. it took me about 8 months to get clean/sober.

    i know a little bit about addictions. stopping porn is ten times harder - maybe this only in my case.

    that is why i said no one can tell me that porn is not an addiction. porn is a very bad addiction - it turns you into a damn sexmonster.

    with weed i was an extrem relaxed guy - no hurry no drama no pressure in life. of course weed destroys the brain. same shit like alcohol.

    and right - you got attention with that title.
  19. Z_the_B

    Z_the_B Guest

    I will take that as a compliment.
    By the way my friends want me to try weed. What do you think I should do?
    I don't really want to get into it but perhaps once in a while? It never really happens once in a while does it :p
    And I've read articles that you can't get physically addicted to it. Don't know much about it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 1, 2015
  20. monkotto

    monkotto Fapstronaut

    please do not try. in the beginning it is extrem funny - everything is funny.

    it is like a boost for emotions. this fun will last maybe for one or two years.

    in the end it was hell - i had massive delusions of persecution. weed is not a harmless drug.

    drink alcohol in moderation - have fun with alcohol.