Porn is disgusting

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Achiever80, Oct 13, 2020.

  1. Achiever80

    Achiever80 Fapstronaut

    Porn is actually fucking gross. If you are about to relapse then realize that when you watch that shit you are literally watching people have sex. Think about that. Is that normal? No it isn't. It's fucking gross. Also they make a huge mess imagine how long it'll take to clean that up.
  2. Overforme

    Overforme Fapstronaut

    What about porn translates to you that its gross? Id love to be driven to believe this. Unfortunately 100% of the addicts here, myself included, have returned back to porn many tens of thousands of times and I guarantee no one here finds it gross. What the effects from long term use are.. thats scary, but I wish I could be grossed out, like you are. You're cured huh?
    420 mile high, CArT_Vader and Fishn1 like this.
  3. Jarad999

    Jarad999 Fapstronaut

    Yeah man, to actually think about that are people infront of you are intercoursing. People out there are just recording people intercoursing every day, it is triggering but just think about it. Are you even suppose to watch people do that?

    The Porn Industry, is just a messed up industry. It tears peoples lives apart, make you think you actually have a relationship your watching(that's just so depressing), just make you lazy not even working your ass off for money, makes you objectfy real women around you and loads of side effects. We are just so lucky to have Alexender to start this nofap community, to bring back peoples normal lives or even more healthier.

    Thank you for the reminder, my friend.
    TudoBem23 likes this.
  4. SzumiLin

    SzumiLin New Fapstronaut

    but why people addict on it
  5. I heard that the brain releases some form of chemical during sexual arousal that muffles the sensation of repulsive things. I heard this a long time ago in a lecture about how pornography can cause someone to get into deviated fetishes.
    Timecop likes this.
  6. Achiever80

    Achiever80 Fapstronaut

    Yeah exactly. This makes everything except porn seem boring.
  7. Porn was made to oversimulate our brain and as a kid we are not used to that kind of high-dopamine content. That's why when we are bored we think about jacking off on some porn videos. That oversimulation ruins our brain entirely, we should face the boredness instead.
    Agustín159 and Ghost79 like this.
  8. EnupDexter

    EnupDexter New Fapstronaut

    For me, after 10 days of zero sexual content, the idea of cam chat rooms became disturbing.
    CArT_Vader likes this.
  9. Thedaveisdead

    Thedaveisdead Fapstronaut

    I frickin' know right!
    And the problem is people keep defending it, they say it's pleasurable, there are also so many websites which say that porn consumption is good. It's extremely annoying. And what's the point of watching someone else having an intercourse. Only the weak have sex with themselves while watching others have sex.
  10. Thedaveisdead

    Thedaveisdead Fapstronaut

    But let's be grateful that we came across this website and the thought of Porn being bad crossed our minds.
    CrimsnBlade and yrjyrj like this.
  11. That strategy doesn't work for me, but I will comment that during long streaks I sometimes have periods of asexuality - where things that are normally arousing seem gross or uninteresting. It's funny how much our hormones make us want to do things.
    OhWhenThe likes this.
  12. Fullyawake

    Fullyawake Fapstronaut

    PeterGrip likes this.
  13. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    Plus, the mess one makes with used tissues on the floor or thrown in a barrel. Plus, the sickening fiendish feeling of beating one's meat while looking over one's shoulder to make sure no one else in the house is approaching as one sits in the shadows like a creepy deviant. What we see on the screen could even be a sister or mother or daughter (at least to someone out there), but we are party to such human trafficking and letting others serve up their flesh for the meat-market hunger of sexual perverts and deviants like us PMO addicts.

    Does that about cover it?

  14. Ekhangel

    Ekhangel Fapstronaut

    Yes. And there's the growing phenomenon nowadays of "community uploaders", which pretty much invalidates all the arguments about trafficking, victims of porn industry etc. etc. It's basically random folk with a fetish for exhibitionism. Showing themselves to the public is what turns them on. This is another fruit of the exhibitionist Facebook and Instagram times we are living in and another example of how messed up our society is becoming. If one of your first thoughts after seeing a good-looking girl is "I'd like to do it with her and upload our sex on the web" - you know you should probably rethink your attitude to females. Unless you think it's perfectly OK, then our conversation is over.
  15. mutu

    mutu Fapstronaut

    Unfortunately this is not going to stop many people from PMO. It could stop one from being an addict for the first time he/she sees it and if he/she quickly realizes that it is gross. But if he/she fails to see the grossness of it then they become addicted and Because the mind of a PMO addicts just wants its dose of dopamine, they will no longer care whether it's gross or not.
  16. mutu

    mutu Fapstronaut

    I've just read this article and the guy is 60 years old. So my point is that a PMO addict could be an addict for his entire life! I mean it's dreadful to imagine yourself 60+ years old and still doing this shit. How destructive to your self that would be!
    Fullyawake likes this.
  17. Lust is something that you learn to manage and not grow out off.
    Anyone who ever worked in an elderly home can relate.
    And if you are a pervert before getting married, getting a woman won't sate you. It is sort of a habitual behavior.
  18. Fullyawake

    Fullyawake Fapstronaut

    Definitely a habit behaviour.
  19. Ekhangel

    Ekhangel Fapstronaut

    Btw. let's face it - not all porn is "disgusting" per se (unless we mean morally repulsive, which I agree with). A couple of "professionals" doing it in the conventional way with nice setting, video quality etc. is far less disgusting than, say, bestality of paedophilia porn. Or the bizzare fetish toss. BUT porn watching is always a pointless and harmful behaviour. And the tendency is usually in accord with the Coolidge effect - you start with vanilla stuff and progress down to the darkest trash. So it's essential to just reject this thing as a whole, because why the hell not.
  20. GloriousBastard

    GloriousBastard Fapstronaut

    I am 5 months and a half in this streak. I try to reboot for 2 or 3 years but allways relapsed after 50-70 days. Now...I really don't feel the need to jerk off on porn and I will keep stay away from it.
    Fullyawake likes this.