Porn..... illegal? Should it be?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by MattRN, Nov 2, 2017.

should it be illegal to distribute porn... not view

  1. Yes

    20 vote(s)
  2. No

    19 vote(s)
  1. MattRN

    MattRN Fapstronaut

    Should all hard core porn be illegal?
    Considering this, maybe porn shouldn't be illegal to view but illegal to post publicly.
    Many of us started viewing at young ages. If it wasn't so accessible would this help us all.

    I remember hitting the "I'm over 18" button as early as 12 years old. Now I'm 29.

    It should have not been, and still be so easy.

    Just want a discussion on the topic.
    carolina123 likes this.
  2. HatePorn

    HatePorn Fapstronaut

    Hmmm....interestic topic.
    I dont think it should be illegal, as many people love poison like cigarettes, alcohol and so on, here is what should be done instead: all porn web sites should make a warning sign about the consequences before you enter, just like packages of cigarettes, people have to know about PIED and othedr stuff. Also all porn sites should be more serious about age restrictions, if all the porn will be payable might work.
  3. MattRN

    MattRN Fapstronaut

    Good idea. Create a true restriction for the Porn acesabilities
  4. There definately needs to be better control over accessing it. 12 year olds are t ready for porn. Not even sure if 18 year olds are honestly.

    But clicking a button that says "I'm 18" is not cutting it.
    Arohamystic likes this.
  5. MattRN

    MattRN Fapstronaut

    I agree. We don't talk about the problems of Porn in school
    TanglePie and Arohamystic like this.
  6. We don't talk a out the problems of porn at all, hence the problem. And the fact that no one thinks there is a problem.
    TanglePie and MattRN like this.
  7. Never going to happen, do you realise how much the porn industry is worth, it's in the tens of billions of dollars and that generates tax revenue since the production houses are registered businesses. Obviously there is stuff that is not made in a studio or with a 'team' but banning it is something that realistically cannot be enforced effectively because of the nature of the internet meaning anyone can can put up a website and put whatever they want on it, at least for a certain period of time anyway. In the USA it is a federal crime to publish obscene material, the nature of that obscenity is defined by whether or not it infringes on common decency or if it has any artistic value or not. However very few obscene publication trials have ever been brought forward. The USA is the worlds largest distributor of online porn currently. The real issue is tackling the myths revolving around porn use and educating young people about the dangers of viewing it, especially viewing it to excess. The other thing which I think is important is making available more services to help people overcome their porn use should they feel it is a problem for them. This can help a great deal in preventing more unsavoury outcomes like sex crimes being committed etc.

    Certainly people don't talk about it enough in terms of the dangers like the links with sex trafficking, drug use, suicides and all that. Where i live, if i told a buddy in the pub 'I had a problem with porn' i'd get laughed at and probably some kind of remark like 'you can never get enough porn' there are a couple of generations i think who are deeply affected by the attitudes towards women that porn and it's influences teach, i was one of those people who grew up with online porn from the early 00's and it's never done me any good.
  8. efh

    efh Fapstronaut

    Porn in its various forms has been around for millennia..even stone carvings from prehistory show pornographic images. Just as outlawing alcohol during prohibition, or drugs more recently: outlawing anything demonstrably doesn't work. What it achieves is lack of regulation, control and ultimately enhances exploitation and criminality.

    The enemy is within, hoping for dracocian control to help fight that enemy won't work. Porn will always exist and is likely to get even more immersive and addictive (anyone tried VR porn stuff? it is scary , when this combines linked sex devices it will be the ultimate drug and will fulfill any and every fantasy) . Better to fight the enemy now before that enemy gets upgraded with superpowers

    FWIW, VR and AR look set to become Matrix-like drugs, the ultimate opiates for the masses. I am not into conspiracy stuff nor am I paranoid but when Facebook, which connects billions of people, buys Oculus and is spending billions developing VR and AR then a dystopian, tech enabled stupor doesn't seem unlikely. These technologies will enable escape on multiple levels, not just sexual fantasies. Maybe that is how the human race finally destroys itself:not through war, through addiction enabled by technology. I could go on about how all Social Media uses dopamine hits to condition users ( as a side bar my withdrawal from porn follows my selective desensitising from my multiple social media addictions: posting on here excepted!)... Ok so now I have added nofap to my timed blockers...same old same old
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2017
  9. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    Heavy censorship by the state is required. It's either that or the collapse of civilization.o_O

    P is not to be compared to alcohol. Drinking a glass of wine is the height of civility. Indulging secretly in smutty images is the gutter... it is inherently vicious.

    Of course, it's mainly for the protection of minors. Even by the most liberal logic, a minor is incapable of making rational informed choices for themselves... hence the need for regulation and censorship [this is not criminalization... that would be the Talibanization of our culture].
  10. efh

    efh Fapstronaut

    Yeah that works on the Dark Web
    MLMVSS likes this.
  11. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    Of course, it's mainly for the protection of minors. Even by the most liberal logic, a minor is incapable of making rational informed choices for themselves... hence the need for regulation and censorship [this is not criminalization... that would be the Talibanization of our culture].

    Censorship would only work with some teeth to it. First the will for it, then the law, then the enforcement, and then the adaption of devices to it.... etc.

    There would always be a few minors slipping through... but as it stands now, it is an outright holocaust! There needs to be a concerted public cultural effort to state that the mass exposure [the normalization] of minors to hardcore P is wrong.
    thorswrath32 likes this.
  12. Just Believe

    Just Believe Fapstronaut

    Today's world ; It is a impossible , unfortunately.. Because porn industry nourish from teenagers, ı wish we could apply the rule that you mentioned but you know, these greedy dogs will never stop. They will always find a way to poison ''us''.
  13. @efh i'm glad i've stopped viewing porn before VR becomes afforable, i think that would have ruined me even more. My vision of the dystopian future of humanity is one where men do not make love anymore and neither do they procreate with women, instead they visit a government approved sperm chamber to sit on a chair with a VR head set and babies are 'grown' in pods and raised by an authoritarian regime. The women work equally amongst men and have true equal rights, but the desire to form families and nurture relationships is gone because humans are made in breeding farms. It would become a criminal offence to make love or make a baby in the old fashioned way. Of course that's not going t happen but i reckon it would be a good theme for a sci fi movie.
    efh and Buzz Lightyear like this.
  14. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    This is fatalism. It signifies the complete degradation of our culture, to the point that people feel totally disempowered, that the 'system' is so big that any effort of resistance against it is futile. And this false consciousness, of the public sphere, reflects itself back into our private sphere - I could never live a self-determined life for I am at the mercy of forces beyond my control. It is the language of defeat, addiction and slavery.
  15. efh

    efh Fapstronaut

    Couldn't agree more... Ergo religion and the delusional torpitude it expounds despite its inherent hypocrisy and abundant logical fallacies. A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing
  16. Theguywiththething

    Theguywiththething Fapstronaut

    No. It's a tool. We need to better educate people about the ramifications of that tool. It's a tool and one that we have proven ourselves irresponsible users of. But other people get use out of it, and besides, its not our moral obligation to help those happy addicts.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2017
  17. Third_Eye

    Third_Eye Fapstronaut

    It should indeed be unlawful to have porn in existence.

    It should be sentenced to death for murdering so many people’s happiness.
  18. PasterofMuppets

    PasterofMuppets Fapstronaut

    It's absolutely impossible to control drugs, let alone porn. Remember what happened in the US during the 20s? Exactly. People drank more than when alcohol was legal. You have to come to terms with the fact that some restrictive laws often do more harm than good.
    Porn, just like all other drugs, should be legalized, made state monopoly and educated against warning everyone of its risks, along with rehab clinics being set up. This would lower the percentage of addicts, more people would seek help, drug cartels/porn industries would be rendered powerless and, specifically talking about substances, less people would die because they would get quality state stuff and would know how to use it properly, and also, people would call an ambulance faster when someone has an overdose. So no.
    thorswrath32 and Third_Eye like this.
  19. Third_Prototype

    Third_Prototype Fapstronaut

    The decision to live porn free is a personal choice. Only the individual can decide for themselves whether or not they want it in their lives and if they do, no amount of state regulation will stop them from obtaining it or something like it. I certainly agree that there should be more effort to protect minors from it, and more education on the negative side effects.

    It should be like cigarettes. I doubt there are any smokers who are under any illusions about what they are doing to themselves. They're willing to poison their body in order to take the edge off whatever kind of stress their lifestyle puts them through. Forcing them to quit if they are unwilling will simply breed, anger, resentment and ultimately backlash.
  20. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

    As much as I hate porn it shouldn't be illegal. Look at prohibition and the war on drugs. Telling someone they can't have something makes them want it more. That being said I do think porn sites need more than a button that says I'm 18 years old. I think they should require credit card info to get access. If porn sites charged people for viewing their videos it would make it much harder for minors to watch.
    MattRN likes this.