Porn dreams = relapse?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by thefappeningof13, Apr 8, 2017.

  1. thefappeningof13

    thefappeningof13 Fapstronaut

    So I've been having some porn-like dreams and thoughts recently and its been making me feel a little fake about my streak. Do these dreams and thoughts that i keep having count as relapse?
    Happy Man likes this.
  2. theMotivator

    theMotivator Fapstronaut

    I'm new to all this, but my suggestion is that you should make your own rules.
    For example, my rules are that I don't even count edging as relapse.
    On the first 20 days I edges couple times, but as I reached 20 days, I decided not to edge anymore. And since Day 20, I haven't edged.

    Do everything in small steps. For example, if you can't just leave P and M at the same time. Leave P first, and then M.

    But as for your question - are P dreams and thoughts relapse - i would say no. Why? Because you can't control them and you're not responsible for the dreams. As for thoughts - same, but you have to learn to control your thought flow. It will become easier after 20 - 30 days.

    Remember, take it easy and motivate yourself.
    Happy Man and thefappeningof13 like this.
  3. stygian

    stygian Fapstronaut

    Dreams and thoughts are 2 different things. Or do you mean thoughts you are having during a dream?

    For dreams, NO, it is not a relapse. Has been discussed about 100 times on this forum.

    If you are having thoughts/fantasies during the day, then yes, it could be considered a relapse, depending on the situation.
    Happy Man likes this.
  4. JasonIsReal

    JasonIsReal Fapstronaut

    If you are not doing nofap for only a challenge and you really want to recover, then there are no opinions but only facts about this relapses.

    • What are the basic reboot rules?
    1. No lust. (Porn, Pics, Hookers, objectifying etc.)
    2. NoFap. (Jerking, "testing", playing)
    3. No fantasize.
    4. Sex with girlfriend (love) is allowed.

    • What is a relapse?
    A relapse is ending a streak and going back into your old habits. Example: after a streak of 30 days you are pmoing for a week again. Relapse brings you right back at the bottom.

    • What is a slip?
    A slip is actually slipping but getting right back on track. Example: after 30 days you failed and did pmo but regretted it and get yourself right back on track and didnt pmo anymore since. This is a slip and no need to reset your counter because you are not at the bottom again. You just have a setback at you will recover from it in just 5 days or 1 week or so. Also a slip is looking at porn without MO. Just remember, if you slip a couple of times in a row it has become a relapse.

    • A mistake???
    A mistake can happen by yourself or uncontrolable. This can be looking at videos, pics of lustfull things because you saw this unwillingly because of facebook, a friend on whatsapp etc. Or lustfull things in your dreams or also objectifying women. This won't hurt your streak that much so this is far from relapse. But keep in mind, these mistakes do hurt your "Porn Sensors". What I mean by this is these mistakes wont hurt your streak but you will deff. have a harder time dealing with the cravings.

    These are not my facts ofcourse since I aint no docter or doctor but these are science and real life based facts and I can relate to this a 100% having an 100+ day nofap experience myself.

    Hope this helps :)
  5. Happy Man

    Happy Man Fapstronaut

    Its not your fault!!!

    You didn't relapse.
  6. diddykong

    diddykong Fapstronaut

    Dreams are just your subconscious minds way of filtering out what is going on. They can feel very real and it can feel like a relapse when you're having the dream but they are completely out of your control. Don't beat yourself up about it.
    Happy Man likes this.
  7. Fap_Doc

    Fap_Doc Guest

    Your methodology is good, but edging is worse than masturbation. Read about it. You're not at day 38 or whatever.
    J247 and Happy Man like this.
  8. theMotivator

    theMotivator Fapstronaut

    I know, but does it really matter how much days I have? My goal is to give up M (as I already gave up P long time ago). So far my method works great, because I haven't released seed for 39 days and haven't edged since day 20 (so no edging for almost 20 days). And the urges are almost gone.
  9. Fap_Doc

    Fap_Doc Guest

    It is your right to fool yourself.
  10. theMotivator

    theMotivator Fapstronaut

    Well I count the days I haven't released seed. I don't argue that edging is bad, but if I must take small steps to defeat this addiction, I will do it - and so far it works for me. The days don't matter to me anymore, because it was just a motivator at first.