Porn Addiction has destroyed my life. Goodbye

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Oct 23, 2022.

  1. Before I start I just want to thank everyone that has interacted with me during my time on this forum. This is going to be a very long post. I'd like to say that your advice and compassionate messages were highly appreciated and I will forever appreciate them. This might be my last post here. I'll be moving onto the hereafter very soon and I'd like to tell my story of why I choose to do so. I'll be reading some of your replies and then moving on. I hope you can understand my decision.

    Porn has absolutely destroyed me. In every literal meaning of the word. It has corrupted my mind, made my future bleak and has caused the worst type of depression I've ever experienced. At just 20 years old when I'm supposed be energetic and excited for the world around me, I'm a depressive porn-addicted anxious nihilstic mess of a human being.

    When I first discovered Porn at 12, it was an exciting experience. Imagine a 12 year old who has never interacted with girls see naked bodies for the first time. It was exhilarating. I couldn't stop watching, sometimes I'd watch 12+ hours In a single week. IN A SINGLE WEEK! I can't put enough emphasis on this. It was literally an addiction from the very start but I didn't know back then. No surprise, my preferences changed. I watched every type of porn by the age of 15 and I couldn't seem to satisfy that hunger for more. At 20 right now, porn doesn't feel good anymore, which means I don't get satisfaction from everyday activities either anymore. Which just feeds back into a negative feedback loop and I can't get out of.

    Looking back at myself, I notice that while porn was super addicting, it was always a coping mechanism for me. I'd use porn to cope with my isolation and my lack of self-esteem which porn contributed towards. I was a very introverted teen and my experience of being bullied early on made it extremely tempting to escape reality via porn, a reality where I was accepted and I got what I desired. I didn't need to work or hit the gym, all I had to do was a couple of clicks and I got a dopamine hit that nothing else could provide. I was in a sex segregated school for most of my puberty years, which meant I had no access to the other sex, further making me watch more porn as I seeked to satisfy that sexual need. To be honest, I could count on one hand the amount of females I've talked to which says alot.

    At 15, I knew I was addicted and that's when I found NoFap in 2017. I made an account here back then and I was able to go 30 days clean the first time around. An achievement I've never been able to replicate since. After those 30 days, I went back to porn yet again and It's been a depressive struggle ever since.

    To prevent this being 100 pages long, I'll fast forward to 2022. I'm 20 years old and my use of porn has escalated from a controlled 4x a month (Where each relapse was 3+ hours long.) to 2x a week. Porn is my coping mechanism and I now use it when ever I get a bad grade at college or feel even a bit stressed out. Just a side note, I was a A* student before 2022 and now I'm an F. Porn is the reason and I can't seem to unshackle myself from it's grip. My tastes are yet again escalating and the fetishes are escalating as well.

    2 years ago I also discovered
    Porn Captions / Gooning
    . Whenever I feel stressed or just generally having a bad day, I get these flashbacks of these images encouraging me to go back to porn and saying that I'm a loser. I've internalised those statements and no amount of positive self talk seems to work. I just feel completely hopeless. I hate myself for discovering this and I hate myself more for being addicted. The shame and guilt is just too overbearing on me and I don't know why god is making me suffer like this. What did I do to deserve this? Everyday I see people who do wrong in the world being rewarded with happiness and money and here I am with depression and suicidal thoughts.

    The worst thing about this is that I don't look like someone who could be addicted to porn. I'm tall, relatively in good shape and somewhat intelligent. If you talked to me, the last thing you'd think was that I was a porn-addict which makes this addiction even worse.

    Years of being exposed to Porn has also made me unable to achieve an erection without it. No surprise there either I suppose. I also can't even interact with women in a non-sexual manner. I always go into these conversations with women with the thought of sex and maybe achieving that. No surprise then that I don't talk to women that much either.
    Excessive porn use has also destroyed any self-discipline I once had. I make irrational decisions that I can't explain and I suffer from really bad memory, I'm honestly scared its dementia. Brain fog is recently really bad and I suffer from maladaptive daydreaming which descends into porn fantasies. Porn fantasises are getting more and more time consuming especially when I go to bed, where I could fantasises for hours about having sex with this made up woman in my head.

    I'd like to fast forward to today and why I'm writing this post. I just had a job interview I was really working hard towards, and I absolutely flopped it. I couldn't solve or answer a single question. When my anxiety levels increased, I suffered really bad urges and honestly it took over my mind. They were uncontrollable and the most extreme urges I've ever had. I returned home with a single focus in mind and that was to relapse hard. I did just that. And right now to be honest, I'm having urges yet again just after a 2+ hour relapse. Just shows you how addicted I am that while I write this I'm still fighting urges....

    I know this post wasn't structured well but I just wanted to vent. I see no hope and I just want to end this all. Alot of you guys here who are on high 'streaks' were exposed to this shit in your late teens/early twenties. My generation's mind is being moulded to being attracted to porn and its just so hard to rewire those brain connections that have been formed during the time your brain is the most plastic (10-15). I can't deal with this shit anymore. My entire life is a boring depressive mess and porn is the only thing that's somewhat exciting... I just can't imagine how this addiction will get even more bad once I start to encounter the real stresses of life like bill, debts and raising a family. If I relapse over a stupid grade, imagine what I'll do when I'm behind bills? I'm scared to think of it..

    Anyways cya guys...
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 23, 2022
    arthurHale likes this.
  2. dth23

    dth23 Fapstronaut

    Please don’t give up. I’m 48 and I can tell you I’ve been through dark periods in my life too. Even countless times wanting to end it all. But I can tell you that there will be good days to come. Please stay strong, don’t give up. Keep fighting. Set small goals for yourself and build off those small accomplishments. There are so many good things waiting for you. I hope some of this helps.
  3. TomorrowAbetterDays's'

    TomorrowAbetterDays's' New Fapstronaut

    Hi bro I love u life can be hard sometimes but everyone can do it I mean everyone I was a porn addicted and like u totally I though many time of killing my self but then I decide if I be better I will had better life so simple so I start step by step I start ruining for 10 minute a day after 17 I start see some lights in my life then I buy a guitar and practising for 15 minute a day after some days I start reading books days after days I become to like fighting for these I start increase everything now I had perfect body my relationship with people get great like now I'm the leader of my friends I play guitar now I stop smoking my life really become better I forget depression years ago now I wanna be entreupneur chear for life bro ❤
    Life_05 likes this.
  4. Hi there,

    There is a book: Out of Shadows - Understanding sexual addiction.

    Consider reading it, it is quite enlighting.

    Regarding your situation:

    1. You don't need to be that guy.
    2. Sure, you are caught in the vicious cycle.
    3. It is usually combination of factors that happened to you so that you have got addicted. Bad Childhood, Single mother house hold, mean breakups.
    4. You feel like you don't matter and that you don't deserve to be with someone.
    5. You wonder how any woman could possibly chose you.
    6. Read the book.
    7. Trust me, you are better than this and you don't deserve this.

    Nobody does.

    8. Regarding university:

    A. 20s are easy but important.
    B. Set schedule, start to use pomodoro method to get your grade up.
    C. Consider picking up some side job and start investing.
    D. Stock Market is down.

    This should give you headstart.

    Never believe that you cannot make it. You may change the world one day.

    And read the book!
  5. Murmillo

    Murmillo Fapstronaut

    THis all is just youre survival strategy. think about it who will you become when you give you self some time to breath?

    you have many people here who willingly wants to aid you. that is acually worth alot. first start with the basics. DO you drink enouth water ? no then start measuering the water you need in a day and try to reach 2 liters e.g. I think you can do it. you just need to learn how to learn. I have been in your shooes. 20 years old gooning after every bad grad and in the stressed period up to the deadline. maslow hierarchy of needs is acually really good to follow. Are the basics ok? and so on. Write me if you need some guidance. I am 26 by now i have a GF whom i live with, a parttime job and study at a university. I havnt found the meaning but alot happend when i decided to take responsebelity.

    The best you can do read the responses and take action
    - watch Jordan peterson on youtube and start now.
    -If you can seek counsil in your university go on a break tell them you are doing so bad and you need a break. I wish i did this. I ended highschool with bad grades.. BUt at university i sought out consling FInally ! and help. and it acually helped some where along the way i got better at learning.

    I wish you the best Hang in there. "sometimes you need to embrace the darkness to find the light"
    EdricKr and Cherubim like this.
  6. sam30

    sam30 Fapstronaut

    I am loosing it after my 6 months streak.. I can barely make it to a week when I restart.. And it’s quite frequent.. I am really worried I am
    Almost 34!!
    Cherubim likes this.
  7. TomorrowAbetterDays's'

    TomorrowAbetterDays's' New Fapstronaut

    When u relapse take time to do pmo maybe even 2 weak then u will come to the way again good luck ❤
  8. Cherubim

    Cherubim Fapstronaut

    20 years old is super young and early to stop this habit and turn your life around, just don't give in to the pain and depression.

    Your story and personality is pretty similar to mine at your age. Greatly introverted, isolated, bullied previously and using porn as a coping mechanism; you're not alone.

    Thought about suicide myself, its a natural response, yet I'm still here fighting. You can do the same too, the addiction is not unbeatable.

    Where I am now and where I was by comparison is amazing. Just dedicate yourself to quitting; the process is long and painful but if sustained avails in results and positive change, I know that from grueling experience.

    At your age especially you've got it all to live for, so don't give up so quickly.
  9. Remember you are just 20 years old. You can quit this for sure. You will have your whole life ahead of you.

    I pretty much wasted my entire twenties because of this shit when I got addicted in my late teens. I am 32 now and only now feeling like I am winning the battle against P. You can do that much sooner.

    I know it fucking sucks, but it can be done. Read some of the testimonies of people who actually recovered and see how fucked up they were when they started. You can do this too, everyone can.
    Buddhabro2.0 likes this.
  10. Sackedbysapp

    Sackedbysapp Fapstronaut

    Just wanted to mention Jame 1:13 says “with evil things God can not be tried, nor does he try anyone.” He didn’t make you look at porn. Galatians 6:7 says “you reap what you sow.” So the struggle caused by our own choices.
    Buddhabro2.0 and Cherubim like this.
  11. 61 and done

    61 and done New Fapstronaut

    God us your hope son. You are powerless He is not. Get on your knees and cry out for his help. Gave faith because God is very real and loves you so so much. God can and will help if you sincerely and humbly ask him. Quit trying to fight this yourself. You are powerless just like an alcoholic. In AA we go to God because only your Creator has the power to help you son. Jesus Chrit is God. Ask him. He is to be found in your most ugly and dark place. He waits there fir you ready to help you. But you must surrender and stop fighting. Completely surrender and tell God you are beaten. Ask him son ask him!!!
    Buddhabro2.0 likes this.
  12. Sackedbysapp

    Sackedbysapp Fapstronaut

    No Jesus said the father is greater than he is. God name is Jehovah.
    Buddhabro2.0 likes this.
  13. I_always_try_again

    I_always_try_again Fapstronaut

    Brother.........i losed everything in my life, everything in my life to orgasm for 21 years . yet everymorning i wake up thinking this is my day and i will make it . keep this in mind no one will care about your addiction or your mental state, all they care is the amount of success you make in life. So if you are reading this come back to this forum with a new account and achieve the success with effort. You can't win over porn addiction in a single night. I started nofap in 2018 and still my highest is 24 days but i am fighting still. Believe in you fight again.

    Tip - Read some stoic books and quotes its helping me a lot.
    Buddhabro2.0 likes this.
  14. severeaddictlostofself

    severeaddictlostofself Fapstronaut

    man fuck all them motherfuckers in the comments not knowing and realizing shit and if they do they sugar cote that fucking bullshit
    op i see your user is deleted but if you ever see this then check out my comment on the other post.i feel and relate to u so much
  15. Fullyawake

    Fullyawake Fapstronaut

  16. It saddens me to read this. I hope OP is ok and didn't harm himself. HOW CAN PEOPLE BE PROFITING OFF OF THIS GARBAGE AND IGNORE THE SUFFERING IT DOES TO EVERY LEVEL OF SOCIETY???
    All of us know how isolating and dark and depressing this demonic thing named Porn can be (regardless of whether we believe in literal demons or not, in the TRUEST sense of the idea, it is DEMONIC. It OVERTAKES the will, HIJACKS the human spirit, FRAGMENTS THE SOUL, to the point we feel we have multiple personalities within).

    They went across the lake to the region of the Gerasenes. 2 When Jesus got out of the boat, a man with an impure spirit came from the tombs to meet him. 3 This man lived in the tombs, and no one could bind him anymore, not even with a chain. 4 For he had often been chained hand and foot, but he tore the chains apart and broke the irons on his feet. No one was strong enough to subdue him. 5 Night and day among the tombs and in the hills he would cry out and cut himself with stones.

    6 When he saw Jesus from a distance, he ran and fell on his knees in front of him. 7 He shouted at the top of his voice, “What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? In God’s name don’t torture me!” 8 For Jesus had said to him, “Come out of this man, you impure spirit!”

    9 Then Jesus asked him, “What is your name?”

    “My name is Legion,” he replied, “for we are many.” 10 And he begged Jesus again and again not to send them out of the area.

    11 A large herd of pigs was feeding on the nearby hillside. 12 The demons begged Jesus, “Send us among the pigs; allow us to go into them.” 13 He gave them permission, and the impure spirits came out and went into the pigs. The herd, about two thousand in number, rushed down the steep bank into the lake and were drowned.

    14 Those tending the pigs ran off and reported this in the town and countryside, and the people went out to see what had happened. 15 When they came to Jesus, they saw the man who had been possessed by the legion of demons, sitting there, dressed and in his right mind; and they were afraid. 16 Those who had seen it told the people what had happened to the demon-possessed man—and told about the pigs as well. 17 Then the people began to plead with Jesus to leave their region.

    OP, as others have said, please know there is hope. As long as you have breath. NEVER GIVE UP.
    Cherubim likes this.