Porn addiction and sexual dysfunctions (in a broad sense)

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Mida, Oct 30, 2016.

  1. Mida

    Mida New Fapstronaut

    Dear Fapstronauts,

    First post of mine. I've been into the challenge for a few months now, with some (but not too many) relapses as well.

    There's something I've been asking myself since I started the journey: could someone be heavily addicted to internet porn and still show absolutely 0% sexual dysfunctions in real life whatsoever?

    I think I do have some form of addiction to internet porn, definitely, but what I haven't experienced is changes in my real sexual life. It's like they were two parallel worlds: sex with my gfs has always felt and worked very good. Porn, on the other hand, has been like some sort of 'need' to curb, like eating food while hungry.

    That being said, I do think I'm kinda addicted to porn, I can tell by looking at the effort required to abstain from it. So I wonder: is it possible in any way to be deep down addicted to porn and still have zero issues in one's real sex life?
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2016
  2. Ikindaknew

    Ikindaknew Fapstronaut

    I would say that I didn't have physical issues (ED) with porn until my early 40's. I watched porn as soon as the VCR came out on the market. In my teens, didnt have a GF, but I was staying at home fapping to porn litterature or lingerie catalogues. So, it probably contributed to keep me alone.

    I got married and porn was always there. My wife at the time was watching a little too and there was a desire of escalation to other stuff. I divorced and porn because my best friend again (to feel good, reduce anxiety, to sleep better).

    I got married again and I'm still with the same lady after about 20 years, but porn always stayed in the background. She was saying it didnt bother her, but it was...

    But I always had issues, because porn always show you something more kinky, something your GF might not do. Then, you start hoping to convince her to do this, this and that, the whole laundry list. If you don't ask, you keep it for yourself, but you wish she would be more kinky.