pmo techniques for other stuff

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Bruno Edson, Jun 8, 2015.

  1. Bruno Edson

    Bruno Edson Fapstronaut

    Hey guys, I'm thinking here... Some of the techniques that I have learned here looks like it can be applicable to other areas, like weight loss or something. Do you guys feel the same? Have you used what you learned here for other things?
  2. Of course it's exactly the same. I apply to weightloss, exercise, cold showers (which also helps with mood and weightloss)
    ***** likes this.
  3. Definitely, I now use my NoFap kind of braindead technic regarding Binge Eating Disorder and miraculously, it works. Haven't binged in 2 weeks and now I feel like I'm too far away in the streak to do it again haha
    Limeaid, ***** and Deleted Account like this.
  4. you are awesome!
    ***** and Anne-Dauphine like this.
  5. You are too!!! So close to 90 days :D
  6. Kiddy

    Kiddy Fapstronaut

    One point I learned from The Power of Habit is that changing certain key habits in your life and have a spill-over effect and end up changing other habits in your life. Because you may be building up your "willpower muscle," you might be able to overcome other obstacles that you have not had the willpower to overcome. I changed my diet first, which lead to me joining NoFap as a sort of domino effect. But I made a mistake that I would like to warn others about. I got too excited about self-improvement, and I thought I was invincible. So I tried to improve too many aspects of my life at once, and I felt very stressed out and burned out. Beware of this.
    BlackCoffee_ likes this.