PMO about 2500 times

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Chiaro, Apr 4, 2015.

  1. Chiaro

    Chiaro Fapstronaut

    Hey guys,

    so today a decided to do a calculation based on estimation on how many times I might have masturbated.

    So the number was shocking.
    2008: at least twice a day- 730
    2009: at least once a day- 365
    2010: " " -365
    2011: " "- 365
    2012: +3 times a week: 144
    2013: +-times a week: 144
    2014: everyday: 400
    2015: probably 10 times earlier this year

    I took the minimum number for these years so the actual number should be larger
  2. PrevCDM

    PrevCDM Guest

    Doesn't matter. The past is the past and you can't change it. You live in the present. You deal with the present. You make choices right now, to make your tomorrow a better version of today.

    Time to reset the counter to zero, and not look back.

    PS. Congrats on your streak.
    Chiaro, goldstein and Thanatos like this.
  3. Lets_do_this

    Lets_do_this Fapstronaut

    I think ICDMatrix is right, don't let you influnce by the actions of the past.

    Even though I also calculated it.. horrifying how often I masturbated. I must also say I started very early, at the age of 11 so here is my calculation...

    2009: ~100 times
    2010: ~200 times
    2011: ~300 times
    2012: ~300 times
    2013: ~400 times
    2014: ~750 times
    2015: ~50 times

    So all in all I did it about 1700 times... crazy how much time we wasted on some, in such a huge amount, dangerous activity
    But again, I think we shouldn't look back too much, because we are all here to change something and to not add anything to this list.

    Keep it up guys!:)
  4. Ze'ev

    Ze'ev Fapstronaut

    I agree with what's been said. What's past is past.
  5. shmoe2003

    shmoe2003 Fapstronaut

    i just did the math for my own addiction using a once a day formula since 1985 - sometimes there were way more than 1 a day but lets just use round numbers
    2015 70
    2014 365
    2013 365
    2012 365
    2011 365
    2010 365
    2009 365
    2008 365
    2007 365
    2006 365
    2005 365
    2004 365
    2003 365
    2002 365
    2001 365
    2000 365
    1999 365
    1998 365
    1997 365
    1996 365
    1995 365
    1994 365
    1993 365
    1992 365
    1991 365
    1990 365
    1989 365
    1988 365
    1987 365
    1986 365
    1985 365


    If i let myself fall into a pity party over all this wasted time and energy i will never get to live the life i can now -
    So move on and hold onto the moment you are in and do the best you can for now on bro!
  6. PotentLife

    PotentLife Fapstronaut

    The past is the past, but the exercise is important. Think about how many hours of free time we will be having, calculating into the future. It's like free money! What will we be spending it on?
    Kurapika and goldstein like this.
  7. goldstein

    goldstein Fapstronaut

    great way to explain it! thanks!
    PotentLife likes this.
  8. Andrew0268

    Andrew0268 Fapstronaut

    If you PMO 7500 times, that's 1.25 times per day for 16 years, then you will have ejaculated over 29 gallons of semen over that time. That doesn't count sex or anything else. That's a lot of protein!
  9. Pine River

    Pine River Fapstronaut

    I have gone through periods where I have masturbated more than at other times, but just for arriving at a figure let's assume I have masturbated every third day on average. I took it up again in July 2001 (after a brief month-and-a half experimentation in early 1996). To date that's over 1600 faps. My original plan was to quit before my 18th birthday in August 2001. If I had stuck to the plan the number of faps at a once every three day average would have been a single-digit number!

    The numbers are frightening.
  10. Chiaro

    Chiaro Fapstronaut

    True. Sometimes though, to make decisions for the future, you have to reflect on the past.

    Thanks though. It was hard getting to day 60
  11. Wouter

    Wouter Guest

    10 years at least 3 times a day
    so much sperm ive slain
  12. Chiaro

    Chiaro Fapstronaut

    That... Is... shocking! OMG
    sorry, I just don't know how to react to that number. If you can stop, indefinitely - that would be a huge accomplishment is your life, man. Wish you all the best
  13. crushurcravings

    crushurcravings Fapstronaut

    I started about 12 years ago and I am convinced I am running 5 figures as well :) .. I'd say 13k for me sounds about right.
  14. OMG that was disgusting, and funny as well. 29 gallons...damn. Wow. :D