Please help !!!

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Perro Negro, Jun 14, 2020.

  1. Perro Negro

    Perro Negro New Fapstronaut

    The truth is that I have an addiction to porn and I tried to do it of my own free will but unfortunately I couldn't do it and so I decided to seek help and I found nofap and I hope they help me.
    Due to this same addiction I am afraid that the problems that it may bring me in the future and it is not easy to tell your parents that you have a masturbation problem so I hope that you can advise and help me to overcome this demon
  2. Hi, and welcome!

    I have also tried to quit this on my own for many years, but could not.
    I recently joined here too and so far have been able to abstain from PMO. There is a lot of shared experience and good advice here.

    All the best in your recovery.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 15, 2020
    Ogikubo and PerseveranceToday like this.
  3. Welcome. I've struggled with this but you cannot expect will power to help you.
    The journey is not easy but you can do it. A bit of confronting yourself might help. What is the worst thing that could happen if you can resist all porn for a day? What is the absolute worst thing that could happen? Some anxiety? A headache? Educate yourself and find the passion you need to begin solving this, because will power does not work.
    thinking_differently likes this.
  4. thinking_differently

    thinking_differently Fapstronaut

    You are in the right place, though talking to your parent/(s) could really help. I know it’s hard, but I managed to do it and I’m better off this way. My lapse rate has gone from a day to a week.

    Spend some time here man, think about the addiction. Make a list of your triggers, your ways of distraction. Jot down the pros and cons and you shall be surprised to see how the cons outnumber the ‘pro.’

    A page full of cons for 5 seconds of pleasure? Never again.
  5. melville

    melville Fapstronaut

    In the beginning it might help to have something else to do, when you feel the urge to masturbate. Some take cold showers, some do push ups. It doesn't matter. Just do what works for you. Reading the 'Succes Stories' in here might help you as well, as you'll realize how much there is to be gained by committing to NoFap.

    Good luck mate, you can do it!
  6. LoveIsAllWeNeed

    LoveIsAllWeNeed Fapstronaut

    Great that you joined us, my friend. It can be a lonely struggle and you will find the support here. The more you share your experience, the better people can help you find your way in the tricky world of P addiction.
    One thing I can say for sure: You need to be vigilant on your thoughts. The mind is very good at finding excuses to relapse and you'll have to take them down every single time.
    Mindfulness worked for me, as it taught me to see my thoughts without getting involved in them. You might wanna try it. Starting a journal is also a great way to start or if you don't want to write too much, start posting on your profile page.
    Good luck on your journey. Stay committed and keep this commitment alive by repeating why you want to quit, remembering what it will bring you and how much you want it!
    thinking_differently likes this.