please help

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by ace31, Jun 24, 2014.

  1. ace31

    ace31 New Fapstronaut

    Please help !!! I am soo confused there are sites teliing masturbation is good for health.I don't know how to stop myself from doing has been two years that porn has wasted so much of my time and energy. I feel so emotionally unstable because of that. Please help me out.
  2. Spiderman156

    Spiderman156 Fapstronaut

    Hi ace31,

    You have been confused like me in recent years. The studies showing masturbation is healthy are true but the caveat is that its only healthy if you do it in a healthy way. People who are addicted to pornography use and feel frequent and strong urges to masturbate have tipped the loss-benefits scale the other way. Think about how you feel after you masturbate: do you feel good and like the orgasm was enjoyable, do you feel depressed and shameful, do you feel like you need to masturbate all over again, do you feel something else? Healthy masturbation is healthy, unhealthy masturbation is not. Think of it like diabetes: sugar is a normal thing for your body to ingest but, when you overconsume your body cannot handle it. The intake of sugar needs to be closely monitored and other steps like exercise and a healthy diet then need to be undertaken for recovery. The same is here: abstain from porn and masturbating because, if you do feel the frequent and strong urges to masturbate, then you have altered the way your brain produces and accepts dopamine.

    Explore the community more and participate, ask all the questions you want.


  3. Hello Ace,

    Spiderman is right, it might be healthy, but we've abused the system thanks to porn.

    There are even websites, and this one psychologist in particular, who claim that porn is not a addictive and is actually healthy for you- actively trying to combat Gary Wilson's work and the Yourbrainonporn website.

    I wouldn't listen to that crap. Listen to yourself. How do you feel after a week, two weeks. There are withdrawals- and those suck, but when it feels good, how good is it? Better than before? You know intuitively if it works.
  4. ace31

    ace31 New Fapstronaut

    Thank u for ur replies but I did try stopping for a week and succeed for four days ,after that the urge became terrible.feels like I have been the way if masturbation is good why people stop for months over here (ps -i am a 16 year old guy and may take a bit of time to understand things )
  5. The longest I've gone is 100 days. I'm not entirely sure why it is good- staying away from it seems to help you focus a lot more on other parts of life.