Please help the people in the loneliness thread

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Mike_July_2017, Jan 5, 2018.

  1. Mike_July_2017

    Mike_July_2017 Fapstronaut

    I've read a thread there, a poor soul asked something like "I am twenty something, I failed my studies, have no job, have no girlfriend". This really made me sad, as the poor guy considers not having girls to be on the same level of importance as actually vital things like his studies or his job.

    This is what happened to me in my youth as well: porn makes you give women way more attention and power over you than normal. Thus you voluntarily give up on yourself, your studies, your job, your future - to chase girls. Incredibly stupid and incredibly sad.

    I guess it is the illusion than porn sells, with 1 guy boning multiple hot girls and the girls only want him for sex and he does not have to do any work to get this sex.

    Somehow watching porn deludes young men to believe this would be natural or possible for the average man. I do not know why, but it makes people believe that would be the normal - incredibly bad for the average person.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2018
    Iguana and Deleted Account like this.
  2. Iguana

    Iguana Fapstronaut

    I used to feel like this, but it wasn't NoFap what stopped the feeling of inadequateness, it just came naturally after I had a girlfriend and matured a bit, so I don't know if it was porn related...

    Out of curiosity, when did you lose your virginity? how?
    MisterHan likes this.
  3. MarkTT52947

    MarkTT52947 Fapstronaut

    Loneliness and alienation are rank in this society. Internet and porn addiction peddle a false "togetherness" that deepens loneliness. The science of this is that we need to be around friendly human FACES in the flesh. Even the most powerfully accurate film or computer screen depiction of a good person cannot give you a certain refreshmen of your lonely neurotic feeling that say having a brief chat about the weather with a cashier at a store can. WE NEED TO BE AROUND OTHER PEOPLE INSTEAD OF STARING AT THESE SCREENS.

    Nobody is going to solve their overall emotional problems just by NoFap without fitting it into bigger issues in their life like self esteem, humility, humor, etc etc etc.

    My way of fighting loneliness is by being involved in activities like playing music, volunteer work, going to the gym, going for walks. Unfortuntely if you are involved with loneliness you often slide into activities or fields where that is accentuated because that is who is there. Musicians are often people who could sit and practice for hours and hours to get good when others were out mixing it up. Writers are often people who can sit in a room and write for hours and earlier would sit and read for hours. I write about the music I play, LOL. Computer programming is worse. I worked toward a degree in computer programming when I was young, but it scared me because I could sit in a computer room before they had PCs or at my desk since I have had a PC in the mid 80s and write and fix programs for hours without much contact.

    You have FIGHT LONELINESS. Often you demand when you are lonely a perfect fantasy friend, just like porn offers perfect fantasy sexual submissives and kinks. To break out of loneliness you have to accept that there will be distance between people, other approaches, things you disagree with, and others do not exist to meet your other needs.

    Loneliness is not an excuse for FAPING because that will just make you more lonely
    MisterHan and Iguana like this.
  4. Mike_July_2017

    Mike_July_2017 Fapstronaut

    Only in young men and old women. Young women are usually bombarded with invitations to socialize and are given free acceptance and attention. Society is incredibly cruel with young men.

    To be honest, the cruelty towards young men today is less than in the past, when they were send to kill and to die in wars. But still, there is a immoral and evil double standard geared towards exploiting young men.

    It gets much better when you are older though. Roles reverse, older men receive respect and attention based on their job and how hard they work, which is fair.
  5. MarkTT52947

    MarkTT52947 Fapstronaut

    young men still are being sent overwhelmingly into wars. I taught at a community college for 11 years at night mostly to young working people in their 20s or early 30s. Mostly folks who once they had kids needed a better job to pay the bills. What surprised me was the vast number of both men and women, that has passed through the military and had paid for school with military benefits and the number who were in programs that would lead them into the military because they could not afford school otherwise. There are so many long lingeering wars being waged by the US with troops still in Afghanistan and Iraq and little wars that are still taking lives in Africa and some parts of Asia.

    We live in society where disrespect FOR PEOPLE is general because it is oppressive and exploitative. The only way to do that is to develop a psychology and ideology where it is justified for one person to be "better" than another, rather than share in celebration of our common humanity.

    Young and old are exploited. I am lucky that I retired with good benefits and savings, but many people learn once they reach a certain age they can no longer get jobs no one wants to exploit them.

    We're all in the same boat and we need to learn tp respect all other humans as equals