Please Accept My Thanks

For Fapstronauts who are disciples of Christ

  1. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    Today represents a big milestone for me; 500 days of freedom. As many of you know, I was drowning in the ugly muck of PMO for 50 years before Our Precious Lord reached out, once again, and mercifully led me out of that morass.

    I have found incredible help and inspiration here from so many wonderful people. A few wise people buoyed my spirit tremendously by drawing my attention to Romans 6 and reminding me that even a sinner as profuse as I, could bury my old self and revel in a new life devoted to God.

    About the same time I began frequenting this site, I also began reading Archbishop Fulton Sheen's masterpiece, "Life of Christ". I read it slowly, only a few pages a day over the course of a year because it is filled with so much wisdom based on the Gospels.

    After many failed attempts to break free from this insidious sin, I analyzed my failures and I was shown a few ever-present mistakes. Most importantly, I saw that when I fell, I had become complacent in my routine of daily, genuine, conversation with Our Precious Lord and I had dropped my determination not to let my eyes or my mind dwell on tempting images or people. These proved to be the crucial mistakes and vital keys to success. I also found a few contributing factors like allowing myself to be alone with my laptop when my willpower was weakest.

    I want others to know that breaking the chains of this sin is entirely possible, even for someone who wallowed in it for 50 years. I also want you to know that the rewards are more than worth the struggle. I sense God's loving care in my life more than I ever have before and I have much more clarity of the flaws still standing in the way of completely giving myself to God's will. I am learning to be happy!

    I sense that I can still be tempted so, I must remain consistent with prayer and the determination to flee from temptation whenever I see it. As long as I consistently do these things, temptation holds no power over me.

    I thank you all for your inspiration, both in trying to help me and in letting me try to help you. May God bless everyone who reads this. Love in Christ, Cpilot.
    ChasteGuy, Myfortress, ndaty and 4 others like this.
  2. Keli

    Keli Fapstronaut

    Muchas felicidades @CPilot .
    Eres un gran ejemplo para nosotros aqui..
    500 dias es un sueño para los que estamos en esta lucha.

    Gracias por intentar ayudar siempre con tus reflexiones..

    Tienes mucha razón en no detener la mirada en lo que pueda ser ocasión de pecado, en mi caso diria también no detener mis pensamientos.
    Y claro también lo que dices de una buena relación con Dios..

    Gracias por demostrarnos que si se puede y por ser testigo de tu hermosa relación con Dios.

    Que Dios te bendiga sempre..
    CPilot and Tao Jones like this.
  3. Congrats, my friend! You are taking the steps that lead to life, and Life is just what you will receive! (And are already receiving!) Thank you for your help in leading our little group here. Your consistency in care is perhaps the thing I appreciate about you most. I celebrate with you today in your freedom. May we never turn our attention away from Christ, from whom all Life and goodness flow.
    CPilot, Roady and Keli like this.
  4. Rebooter2022

    Rebooter2022 Fapstronaut

  5. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    Thank you very much Tao. You have provided me with some powerful insight that is key to success in this matter. Please everyone take note. There is nothing particularly special about me which makes this possible. If you want to be free from this sin, seek to fill your heart with the Father's love above all else. I know this may sound trite or without substance but such thoughts are merely the devil trying to hold you back. Prayer really is the answer and I am convinced God wants all of us to be free and to welcome us home. Of course God's ways are not our ways so although you may want freedom right now, God may seek to help you with some greater understanding first. In any event, giving up never works and God's mercy is never restrained while we are on this earth.
    Tao Jones likes this.