PIED expectation might be its own problem

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by Zimzi, Apr 14, 2019.

  1. Zimzi

    Zimzi Fapstronaut

    I get PIED and it’s getting worse recently even tho I’ve been watching less porn. Used to watch it every day but kinda stopped when I started seeing this girl cuz I knew that I hard to please her and i hate losing dick.
    Anyways, I went on a couple 1 month streaks with no P and rare m. Thing is at end of streaks I felt so bad about breaking them and was sure that it would affect me. The PIeD recovers when I stop porn for a while. recently I’ve only been going on 2 week streaks and into like 3 day binges. But I literally feel like I expect erection to go while I’m having sex and I’m so focused on it and feel huge anxiety. And once dick goes it just doesn’t come back at all. I feel like I’m trying for erection even tho I know that doesn’t work. I feel like once my dick is hard I should rush into sex before it’s gone. Girls want more foreplay and making out. My sex now is worse than before I feel like I’ve ingrained in my brain that I need to stop porn for like months to have sex but I think it’s all in my head. But like I have to go thru with it now?

    TLDR; My fear of getting PIED is a lot during sex and I think the fear might be worse than the porn. What do I do?
  2. bfdet

    bfdet Fapstronaut

    Hi 'zi !

    You fear the effects of PIED but you still continue PMO ? You reduced, but didn't eliminate PMO and you wonder why you aren't fully well ? You stop PMO and your ED gets better (lessens). But you persist with PMO and you experience ED during PIV. Yet you continue PMO and worry that your PIED will get worse and wonder what to do ????

    Well, guess what: If you continue with PMO your troubles will very likely continue and / or get worse. You can't expect to continue PMO and be free of its effects.

    What can you do ?

    You know what you can do and you know it works. So stop kidding yourself about the causes of your ED and anxiety and stop the PMO right now. The PMO IS the basis of your problem. So stop it !

    I'd encourage you to consider at least a 30 day hard mode re-boot. You can find information about how to do that in the "getting started guide" available on this site's home page.

    Why not give no PMO a real try this time ? I'm confident that you'll find benefits and healing if you commit yourself to no PMO and actually follow the program.

    one day at a time is how we all succeed.
    over50 and Zimzi like this.
  3. I have been in the same situation in the past as well just like you, @Zimzi . I totally agree with @Bfd140 There is only one cure and that's to stop PMO. Set milestones for yourself and try doing the 90 day nofap to start with and see how you go from there.
    Zimzi and bfdet like this.
  4. bfdet

    bfdet Fapstronaut

    Hi guys !

    Keep going. You can do this.

    One day at a time is how we all succeed.
    Zimzi and HopeForTheFuture like this.
  5. Zimzi

    Zimzi Fapstronaut

    I needed to hear this no matter how much it made me feel like shit. Thanks fam
  6. bfdet

    bfdet Fapstronaut

    Hi 'zi !

    It was my intention to prompt positive action, not just make someone feel badly about themselves. Sometimes we all need a bit of a wake up call. Hope this was yours. You know you can do the no PMO journey successfully, so get going ... and it will make you feel better !

    one day at a time is how we all succeed.