Physical changes of NoFap

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by riley5556, Sep 7, 2015.

  1. riley5556

    riley5556 Guest

    So I'm on day 6 of NoFap, just wondering if there are ever any physical changes that happen?
  2. kriss93

    kriss93 Fapstronaut

    I'm interested in this question too. :)
  3. MadHatter

    MadHatter Fapstronaut

    It depends on so many factors. There is no one answer.
    One might say they experienced tons of physical benefits, while another might say it is all psychosomatic.
    Every journey, every reboot, every person - is different.
  4. Usual ones reported are clearer skin, better facial hair, loss of fatigued/tired appearance, hair regrowth, more muscle definition. These aren't one-size-fits-all and benefits can be all inclusive for some and non-existent for others.
  5. sirfapstinence

    sirfapstinence Fapstronaut

    More muscle definition? I think that's got more to do with guys who quit PMO and replace it with workouts or sports. For those who abstain and lets say game all day on the couch aren't going to see any muscle definition just because they're not PMOing. I won't comment on the rest. I guess that depends from person to person.

    Also, 6 days is too short a period to notice changes. It takes time.
    Thechosenone likes this.
  6. DudeFromAfrica

    DudeFromAfrica Fapstronaut

    One thing I have noticed is I'm getting fitter, quicker than I used to, Like @sirfapstinence said its probably more because I'm not wasting my time, and putting more effort into exercise. Other than that I haven't noticed any physical changes.
    sirfapstinence likes this.