Personal Challenges

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Rusty Gull, Apr 21, 2020.

  1. Rusty Gull

    Rusty Gull Fapstronaut

    Guys, I'm looking for more personal challenges to take on, things that can be properly tracked; not things like smile more. Not hating on smiling more, but I just want to take a challenge where I can see visible progress. I consider NoFap to be one of the most life-changing personal challenges one can take up. Are there any other such challenges to take up? Things that you can incorporate into your lifestyle in the long run.
    Suggest challenges, and if I am sure that they will benefit me for sure, I will take them up for at least a month. Thanks in advance!
  2. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    Could you tell us a bit about your lifestyle? Are you fit/in shape? Are you studying or at work? Do you have any hobbies/skills at the moment?

    Lots of things you could try but it depends where you are on your life journey at the moment!
  3. Rusty Gull

    Rusty Gull Fapstronaut

    I am a student, not unhealthy, but not exactly in shape. I'm into debating and playing chess. I'm also trying to pick up a few new languages. I want to explore new things, and challenge myself. I want to do things that are simple, but things most people don't do, like NoFap(simple, not easy)
    fredisthebes likes this.
  4. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    ok then. I'm going to direct you to the website I was obsessed with when I was first getting into 30 day trials and trying to improve myself. It's old now - 15 years! - but the information is timeless.

    The 30 day trials he suggests are:
    Become vegetarian/vegan (or make a different positive dietary change)
    Exercise every day
    Give up TV
    Give up online forums
    Shower/bathe/shave every day.
    Meet someone new every day.
    Go out every evening.
    Spend 30 minutes cleaning up and organizing your home or office every day.
    List something new to sell on eBay every day.
    Ask someone new out on a date every day.
    If you’re already in a relationship, give your partner a massage every day. Or offer to alternate who gives the massage each day, so that’s 15 massages each.
    Give up cigarettes, soda, junk food, coffee, or other unhealthy addictions.
    Become an early riser.
    Write in your journal every day.
    Call a different family member, friend, or business contact every day.
    Make 25 sales calls every day to solicit new business.
    Write a new blog entry every day.
    Read for an hour a day on a subject that interests you.
    Meditate every day.
    Learn a new vocabulary word every day.
    Go for a long walk every day.

    - A few definitely aren't relevant to you but I include them here for reference. The list is a bit dated actually in that it mentions TV and online forums as time-sucks, but not Smartphones/social media. If you are an addict, like most people are, a 30 day facebook fast would be an excellent first challenge!
    Rusty Gull and Deleted Account like this.
  5. Rusty Gull

    Rusty Gull Fapstronaut

    Thanks a lot, man. I will surely try these challenges out