PE Question (It's URGENT!!!!)

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by MrWes73, Oct 15, 2019.

  1. MrWes73

    MrWes73 Fapstronaut

    Hello there. Hope everyone is doing well with their journey and I wish you all the best of life!
    I have a few questions regarding nofap and there are specifically about premature ejaculation.
    So I'm on day 9 of nofap by the way, just wanted to say that.
    Q#1 Can premature ejaculation be considered as a relapse or not really? I still sometimes have some sexual thoughts from the previous porn videos I used to watch. I don't give up and I take back control over my thoughts and get myself busy with something else. But sometimes if that sexual thought is in my head for a minute and a half or something, and it may be an intense one. I may premature ejaculate, so is that a relapse or not? and how can I get rid of this situation?
    #Q2 Does nofap help someone get rid of premature ejaculation? I thought of trying some exercises to get rid of PE but on a second thought it might cause a huge trigger that can make me relapse since I'm touching my private part. So does nofap help in getting rid of PE after some time or no? If not, then how can I get rid of it without relapsing?
  2. New Journey

    New Journey Fapstronaut

    I also suffer from PE. Mine is mainly due to the type of fetish I've obsessed over. It's in a quite a few porn videos, but in most cases it's not for very long (a minute or so) so I've just learnt to do it very quickly. Technically, you could class it as a relapse as you've MO'd, but at the same time if you're not watching it or looking at any stimulating images or reading any erotica then that is still a start to recovery. Obviously you want to avoid as much sexually arousing material as as much as possible.

    At its worst I've lasted about 5 seconds after watching something; literally pointless. I have, however, managed to masturbate for at least 20mins... so it's possible to correct bad habits, but it's probably wise to get PMO sorted first.