P or PM is no better than PMO.

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Chemical, Nov 26, 2019.

  1. Chemical

    Chemical New Fapstronaut

    When I first discovered edging, I thought that here was an escape from my depression. I thought at that time, after all, that depression and anxiety caused by PMO were linked mainly to the "O".

    And at first, it seemed I had in fact stumbled on something almost miraculous. I would edge while my girlfriend was at work, and then stop when she came home. I felt more energetic, more alive, more easy-going.

    I have never had a particularly impressive libido. I can't cum more than 3 times in a single day--it's physically impossible for me. I think that's probably why, despite the fact that I've watched porn since I was 12, that my fetishes, while weird, weren't too out of the ordinary.

    That changed with edging. When you're watching porn for 5, 6, 7 hours a day, even your most titillating fantasies are no longer enough. So I moved on to more extreme things that now disgust me, make me ashamed, and even brought me to contemplate suicide.

    I feel less depressed because of the semen retention, sure, but dealing with my own shame at my inability to control myself, at my regret that I just threw away another day that I could have spent pursuing my dreams and seeing my girlfriend's anguish every time I tell her that I relapsed is just too much to bear.

    Yet it's not enough for me, and edging has only made it more difficult to abstain as I've rewired my brain pathways to be far more dependent on porn than I ever was before.

    In the end, I've learned that edging is not the solution, that P or PM is no better than PMO. Do not resort to edging and tell yourself, like I did, that it was a solution. The only solution is abstinence.
    Browns4life likes this.
  2. Arnuld

    Arnuld Fapstronaut

    Your brain on porn talks about how edging is the absolute worst for the brain and that many of us are actually super addicted to the edging that can go on for hours before orgasm. I think edging is a internet porn phenomenon because of how rapidly you can move from scene to scene. I grew up masturbating to porn magazines and don’t ever remember edging at least not for more than 15-20 minutes.

    I’m really sorry you are struggling with shame. I have had to spend a lot of time in therapy the past couple of years dealing with the shame around my pornography addiction. Shame is the worst aspect of the whole addiction process and is a strong motivator for quitting. But it’s also a fucking liar. Shame tells us that we are bad immoral people. It tells you are broken and disgusting. And that is fucking bullshit. Feeling shame means that you care deeply about other people, that you definitely know right from wrong, that you have compassion. You would only need to be deeply concerned about yourself if you felt no shame about anything ever. This addiction can lead you into some dark places but that’s because it’s an addiction!!! We need to have compassion for ourselves the way we would have compassion for someone addicted to heroin living under a bridge.
    Chemical and Browns4life like this.