Overwhelmed by the magnitude of this addiction.

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Spirit Seeker, Jul 16, 2019.

  1. Spirit Seeker

    Spirit Seeker Fapstronaut

    I've been addicted to PMO for about 19 years. I've pushed and pushed but I've continuously failed.
    i had this app on my phone called Detoxify which is actually pretty thorough at blocking porn. Still and yet I managed to find a way to bypass it. Still I let this addiction get me.

    I haven't been able to get any good streaks in the past year or so with it present. I always end up coming back for more. Even though I hate it and I start to loathe myself after watching it.
    To boot I have Pure O OCD, which makes it especially hard for me. Am I really attracted to the kind of content I look up? How can I tell? I don't want to have any desire for these things at all.

    I have ADHD I'm 29 staying with my folks and I work at a shit job. I can't afford school yet I read almost every day(mostly nonfiction). Yet here I am.i refuse to take ADHD meds because of the harsh side effects, but I might need them to get out of this hole.i want to be strong, successful, dominant, and confident. I know I can do it, I just really need this stupid addiction gone for good.
  2. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut

    I don't know if this is doable suggestion, but if you could get a few weeks off work consider going on a long hike. I don't know if I have OCD, but I do ruminate over a problem day in/day out or get locked-on revisiting one web site and I can't stop it. Walking does something to me, it somehow lock-off my rumination so I realize how silly it was from me to get locked on one thought or action. To be more precise what I do, when rumination takes over me. I go for a multiday hike in nature. I switch my phone to plane mode and I just walk, 6-10h a day, eat, chat with strangers, read books and sleep. Some "magic" happens after a week or so. It feels like pressing reset button on my brain. I stop overthinking, need for the use of electronic devices stops, my mind becomes peaceful… it's hard to explain. Plus you'll have no need to PMO during the hike. I don't know where you're from but if your from Europe one of the cheapest hikes you could take is one of camino ways https://caminoways.com/ways
    Enwar and Spirit Seeker like this.
  3. You certainly have a challenge, but it is doable. I can't say that I have OCD, but I too have fallen into a deep pattern of masturbation. I can relate to your statement about wondering if you are really attracted to the content you have viewed. After i have finished gratifying myself, I have looked back and sworn that that isnt me. I have suffered from escalation, needing increasingly more perverse content over time. I just got on this site recently and I need it to work. For it to work, you and I, need to work the system. Follow a strategy and learn to change our behavior.

    All the best to you!
  4. Spirit Seeker

    Spirit Seeker Fapstronaut

    How have you improved or changed over time?
  5. DenverGuy

    DenverGuy Fapstronaut

    First, congratulations on taking this problem on. As they say, realizing the problem is half the issue.

    Someone suggested hiking or going for a walk. For me, bicycling started me on my healing journey. Leaving the cell phone and the stimulation behind, let my mind decompress and relax, which was helpful. Do something to get out of your house.
    Spirit Seeker and Fenix Rising like this.
  6. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut

    I'd say most of the things people recommend here really work. The problem is, that it's nearly impossible to implement them all at once as new habits take time to form (two months or more) plus when you're going through acute withdrawal phase of recovery, headaches, flu like illness, fatigue, crazy mood swings, insomnia can and probably will hit you hard.

    If I'd have to make a perfect recovery plan for superman, I'd look something like this:

    Morning: wake up -> Sun Salutation -> gratitude prayer-> 10 min of cold shower -> breakfast -> 45-75 min of running or cycling -> stretching -> work/school

    Afternoon -> weight lifting/yoga class, socializing with family/friends, dinner before 7 pm, prayer before falling to sleep at 10 pm at the latest

    Eating 3-5 times a day inside 8-10 hours time frame (unprocessed food, lots of water, fruits vegetables + Omega 3, vitamin B complex, Vitamin D, magnesium, calcium, Zinc supplements)

    The reality is you'll be very happy if you're able to implement exercise and food advice when you get hit by withdrawals.
    Spirit Seeker likes this.
  7. I also use bicycling as an alternative activity. Gets me out of the house and away from my laptop, and it leaves me physically exhausted.
    Spirit Seeker likes this.
  8. DeepParkWater

    DeepParkWater Fapstronaut

    I take ADHD medication too so i understand the struggle. Personally having tried to quit last year it wasnt difficult until i started taking medication again after not taking it fir 6 months. The dopamine spikes and increased stress response from ADHD medication makes cravings worse in my eyes. Honestly PMO and ADHD medication compound the negative effects on the brain.

    Tried blocking apps and found a way around it too. Honestly i dont think psychologically it works just because youre not removing the need for stimulus. Blocking potential sources are impossible if you look at it this way. Rather now after taking a break from medication i only.microdose when i need it which is much more managable.

    My advice would be to search within to deal with the subconscious issues behind your PMO use. Then focus in improving the areas of your life where you feel like you could be healthier. In doing so you gain confidence to keep going on the PMO journey because youre going to relapsd and its good as long as you learn something new from each relapse.

    My most impirtant lesson was that to beat PA you have to improve yourself as a whole. The goal being to become a better man overall. If you only fight PMO youre only fighting the urge to fap which is fine and noble but for me i found it ineffective. By improving your habits overall you gain momentum whether you relapse or not and learn to accept yourself which is a much better outlook on the journey since its a really long process
    Spirit Seeker likes this.
  9. Enwar

    Enwar Fapstronaut

    Like Fenix Rising said, you should go on a hike, or go camping for one or two weeks, without your phone or any technology at all. You might want to go with another person. There are many wilderness areas in the United States, if that's where you are.
    Fenix Rising likes this.
  10. Spirit Seeker

    Spirit Seeker Fapstronaut

    Thank you for all of your wonderful and supportive responses! I shall take eeverything I see here and apply it as best I can. Keep strong and stay motivated guys!
    Fenix Rising likes this.