Out of the Shell

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by BlueBloodedEagle, May 31, 2015.

  1. BlueBloodedEagle

    BlueBloodedEagle Fapstronaut

    Heyyy Guys I'm BlueBloodedEagle a 16 year old gay guy who is still attracted to girls (Bi?).

    I'm unsure of my sexuality because I still like girls and I would love to have a girlfriend. However, getting a girlfriend isn't easy for me; mainly due to the reasons that I'm fat, I'm not sporty, I'm effeminate, and I really have low self worth and self esteem problems.

    So with that I unknowingly turned to pornography and mastrubation for solace in this pathetic life of mine. I started mastrubating at the age of 10 and I have been doing so up until now. I'm currently at day 4 of my ban of anything Sexual. (I got to this point because I just had a wisdom tooth extraction and I was afraid that the stitches might pop due to my orgasm hahaha) I just got the urge to mastrubate a few minutes back and started to grab my iPad in preparation for the deed. Nevertheless I was able to control the urge and just look for withdrawal symptoms which led me to this site .

    I want to stop fapping and watching porn because of the following:
    It's a waste of time
    I'm afraid I might become infertile
    I want to be quick in the bathroom haha
    I want to stop being and feeling so pathetic
    I want to regain my concentration and capabilities
    I want to get into a sport
    I want to get the girl of my dreams
    I want a new and improved version of me.

    Also it's my senior year haha I also want some muscle hahaha

    I hope that I can last this for a year!!

    We can do this!! - BlueBloodedEagle
  2. Gilbert

    Gilbert Fapstronaut

    Hey dude, welcome to the forums.

    The best advice I can honestly genuinely give you is to turn those 'wants' into 'do's'' !

    NoFap for me runs alongside serious life improvements - and it wasn't until I started focussing on other aspects of my life (getting fitter - running multiple times a week and swimming once a week, becoming a better musician - practising every day, etc) that PMO (porn, masturbation, orgasm) became easier to avoid.

    Write yourself a list of life goals (short term, long term, everything!) and start on it NOW! :)

    Best of luck!
  3. BlueBloodedEagle

    BlueBloodedEagle Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much Gilbert!! It's really reassuring that there's someone out there who's actually willing to support me. Haha thanks bro and best of luck to both of us!!