On my day 5, Urges(heavy)

For Fapstronauts from the Indian sub-continent and the Indian diaspora.

  1. British@700

    British@700 New Fapstronaut

    It great until day 4 but on day 5 the urges come heavily even I stop it for some hours, after that the urges comes with extra power. Please give me tips that will stop my urges anytime
    Unstoppable24/7 likes this.
  2. Stick_shift

    Stick_shift Fapstronaut

    Engage in some physical activities that you love to do. Play games, exercise, run, pushups, yoga, meditation etc.
    First 10 days are the most difficult, It will subside once your body learns to reboot. Currently it is in floopy state. This happens in any kind of drug addiction rehab.
    It's all in your mind bro. Just fight it. The self control will make you a better man, have trust in so many nofapper's testimonies.

    I also suggest to engage to some spiritual practice. Listen to Yogi's like Sadhguru. You will have better understanding of the life as a phenomenon.

    All together,
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2020