On longest streak. Feel like shit

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by WhyNotStop, Aug 3, 2019.

  1. Hello Guys. I'm currently on day 20 a day which I thought would be filled with happiness and celebration due to the fact that this is my longest streak in over two years. Everything is going great in life. Currently talking to this girl and everything is going perfect. The truth is I feel like shit. I feel useless and like no one likes me. Cold showers seem to temporarily cheer me up. But I can't seem to fill my life with hope. I don't wish to hurt myself. My state of mind is just down in the dumps for some reason. I need advice I need some hope.
    Darren hutto likes this.
  2. DeepParkWater

    DeepParkWater Fapstronaut

    Sounds like a flatline. I reset after my last longest streak of 14 days and I was starting to go insane, had crazy mood swings, lethargic, angry, depressed. Read from.other posts that it clears after 30 days
    Darren hutto and WhyNotStop like this.
  3. Didn't think I could hit flat line so early on. A recent surgery and an upcoming relationship have kept me away from porn and they both have kinda killed my urge to watch porn. I guess all of these combined variables have led me to hit flat line early on. I don't even want sex. Hopefully this goes away after 30 days. I feel the benefits coming but they are being over-shadowed by the mood swings and depression that's hitting me. It's like I can't believe I'm 20 days in but I feel like something's missing... The excitement I thought I would have is missing.
  4. Nimbo

    Nimbo Fapstronaut

    I feel you dude, my recent streaks I’ve been getting flatlines early as well. Don’t look at it as a bad thing though, think of it as you winning the fight against your addiction. That flatline being like a desperate attempt to get you to relapse. You just need to muster up the willpower to get through, because all the negative will eventually pass by. Keep up the good work, hope you make it to day 30!
    WhyNotStop likes this.
  5. I will, thanks for the support brother. I've been reading "Your Brain On Porn" (By: Gary Wilson) and It's shocking how the innovation of the porn industry has effected the brains of young people. I will get past this no matter what it takes. I've been fighting and blaming myself for too long.
    Nimbo and Darren hutto like this.
  6. DeepParkWater

    DeepParkWater Fapstronaut

    Well keep in mind everyones different. With addiction there is acute and post acute withdrawl symptoms. I personally felt some.serious withdrawl symptoms from days 10-14. Pretty sure it gets worse but that was my experience
  7. testwarz

    testwarz Fapstronaut

    What help d me... gym + yoga + sauna + hiit training + clean eating... you gotta mooooove !!