Not sure about NoFap

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by Threeaxes, Jan 21, 2015.

  1. Threeaxes

    Threeaxes New Fapstronaut

    25 days NoFap, and I do feel much better. I've been watching porn and spanking it since high school, so like close to 10 years, not always daily but enough to say that porn and I are old friends. I've had a few not-too-serious relationships during that time, except for my current one: 3 1/2 years, we're engaged and I want her to be the mother of my children. Thing is tho she's in her final year at university and I work full time so we don't always have much time for the good stuff, say once a week, if that (and that's us trying to make time)... so fapping to porn happens on the daily. I always feel like a piece of crap after watching it which is what made me want to stop, also sometimes if she was feeling frisky and I had fapped a few hours before I couldn't always get it up (I work construction and work out hard at the gym so it's physical exhaustion more than ED)

    Here's my issue: Since I started nofap my testosterone is through the roof, I'm throwing around weights in the gym like and animal and all I want to do is fuck. And since my fiance is doing school work or sleeping and not putting out I find myself resenting her, which was never an issue before thanks to fapping (she works crazy hard at school, like A+ across the board, so I totally get that she's tired, studying and writing essays is fucking exhausting!)

    So what to do I do? Walk around feeling like a animal in rut and resenting the woman I love? Or go back to my old ways and hate myself for it?
  2. jazzphanatic

    jazzphanatic Fapstronaut

    Hey man,

    Fapping IS NOT an option!!! Let's get that out of the way first...LoL. But seriously, I do understand your situation. While I don't have too much advice, one thing that I would suggest is maybe taking on another self-project. Maybe volunteering, community service, anything. That way, you will be a little more busy and that may keep you occupied and distracted from PMO'ing. I don't know man...what do you think about that?
  3. Threeaxes

    Threeaxes New Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the reply buddy! I needed some encouraging words, I had an easier time quitting smoking lol maybe it's time to get out the boxing gloves again, thats actualy what got me to quit smoking too! I appreciate the support!