Non Stop Relapsing_ Super Depressed_Need some advice from experienced folks

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by TheOtherABC, Apr 18, 2020.

  1. TheOtherABC

    TheOtherABC Fapstronaut

    Hi friends,

    I need some sound advice from an experienced fapstronaut.

    After the streak of successful 90+ days which got me a girl as well, I broke my monk mode and had sex with her. The girl is really a nice human being. We both like each other a lot, occasionally have sex. The problem is that she also loves her BF who is in a long-distance relationship. I like the guy as well - he seems like a great human being as well. But then the thought that I will never be able to get the girl makes me sad, and given the fact that I'm 32 years old, I think that I might die alone as well, and perhaps all those anxieties are resulting in relapses, PMOs.

    Since my 90 days streak, things have de-escalated very rapidly. I got back to my old habit of sex chat, and PMO as well. It's really been months now I am unable to stop doing it. To make the matter worse, I've started watching porn right after I wake up and whenever I am on the bed, thanks to the quarantine. Worst, I'm having sex as well - which I no longer enjoy due to PMO.

    I really don't know what to do. I'm not able to concentrate on my work, I have started drinking and all. It's just getting worse.

    I really need some good advice from you! Please help me!!!!!!!!!

    Thank you,
  2. Jiminy Cricket

    Jiminy Cricket Fapstronaut

    So you have two options:

    1. You continue this. It may be easier day to day, but as you already realized, there are many longterm negative effects.
    2. You stop. It may be a daily struggle, but the long-term effects will be worth it, as you probably know from your previous 90-day streak.

    Also, maybe, since the sex triggered you back into porn use, it has to do with the way you view sex as similar to porn? It may help to save sex only for a serious relationship that may actually go somewhere (which does not include sex with somebody who has a BF). Sex then changes into something else that is more like lovemaking. Just a thought.

    All the best and keep fighting the good fight, brother. Don't give up. You can climb out of this hole and start walking again.
    eevahnits and TheOtherABC like this.
  3. TheOtherABC

    TheOtherABC Fapstronaut


    Thank you so much for such a considered and kind msg! I am committed to rebooting myself.

    I was wondering what would you like to suggest in the case? I don't know how to desexualize my relationship with the girl

    Best wishes,
  4. Arjuna's path

    Arjuna's path Fapstronaut

    Hello bro. I think that 90 days is a good strike... do you really want to stop? Then I'm sure that you are capable of stopping.