NoFap with edging to cure PE?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Fadeless, Jan 19, 2014.

  1. Fadeless

    Fadeless Fapstronaut

    Hey all, I want to cure my PE and I heard that simply not masturbating and watching porn will not be enough to do so. I have to actually train myself to last longer with edging (not going to right how it helps because it's long).

    So I was wondering if it is a good idea to edge after about 90 days of not PMO at all so when I do edge I will not ejaculate. Will not ejaculate after edging cause any problems or will it be solved by wet dreams?
  2. its a mystery

    its a mystery Fapstronaut

    Hey man!

    I have this problem aswell.. I think its in our minds. We want to have sex so eagerly so that when we get to we in our unconscious think "i´m gonna do this i´m gonna this" and then we just come to fast.
    By stroking/getting a hardon and then stop does for me is making me more horny wich pretty much makes it worse:p

    What works for me is having regular intercourse and getting comfortable with the girl, this takes away the "eagerness". when I have had a girlfriend in the past after having sex maybe 10times or so I learn to controll myself.

    If there is a one-night stand in mind and you have no problem getting up I would suggest alcohol haha :p
    Another soultion for me has been that I would think, lets have alot of foreplay, lick her play with your fingers and when you have done that you fuck her as long as you can. If you dont give a fuck, just do your thing and thats that..

    Hope it helped

  3. perusan

    perusan Fapstronaut

    Hi Fadeless.

    Welcome to the group. You have set yourself an amazing target and one I am sure you will achieve with the support and encouragement of nofap along with your determination and dedication. However, you appear to be on TWO missions at the moment. You want to kick PMO AND cure PE. I'm not sure curing yourself of both simultaneously is the best idea.

    You heard that giving up PMO is not enough to cure PE. Who from? Someone on the internet? Someone from here? Their personal experience? I would be very wary of "what people say" (and of course that includes my advice). What might not work for one person may not be the same for you. They could have all sorts of other issues - confidence problems, physical problems, relationship problems - all of which could contribute to PE whether they are free of PMO or not.

    You have one problem that unites us all. PMO. That is what we are all here to kick. And it is probably a good place to start. See how you feel in 90 days, 120 days, 365 days. When I was 10 days into my abstinence, I wrote a post saying I believed M without P was okay if you had kicked PMO. A lot of people slated me for it, but one useful person had another observation. That my statement was just that addicted part of my brain trying to find a way to express itself, to justify M in the hope that over time I will accept other justifications until I finally return to PMO. It's scary to think that part of your brain can be that devious and self-destructive, but I now totally believe that is what was happening.

    Now I am not going to make any promises or predictions or plans for "90 days" or 120 days" or "when I have kicked PMO". I can't, because for now I am right in the middle of it all and tomorrow I could be back to day 1.

    Well done! Good luck! Take care!
  4. William

    William Fapstronaut

    Hi Fadeless, ED is the #1 reason guys are giving up porn. Don't take it from me, watch this and get educated:

    Of course, I cannot know if your PE is PIED (porn induced), but if it is, then quitting should help. I, myself, had some sexual dysfunction, which went away when I rejected porn. Now I perform quite admirably, my wife tells me.

    Your question about edging is interesting. That question in one form or another is constantly asked on this forum. It really should simply be "what is porn?", i.e., is edging porn?

    I have seen the question asked in many forms by guys looking for a way to get around quitting. Is edging porn? Is MOing porn? Are sex toys porn? Are bikini pics porn? Are massages porn? The answer to the question is: for purposes of this forum, if that is the button you are pushing to release dopamine, then for you, it's porn.

    Many guys come here in ignorance, myself included, and do not understand our problem. Our problem is not porn. Porn use is a symptom of our problem. Our problem is dopamine, the greatest drug in the world, and we carry it around in our brains. Porn does not necessarily release dopamine when we first experience it, but after time, after long use, after becoming addicted, we effectively rewire our brain's reward center to release dopamine automatically when we experience it. That is called addiction.

    Now you asked about edging. If you are having a sexual fantasy when edging, then for you it's porn because you are doing it to release dopamine. You are not helping your problem, you are prolonging it, by edgin. You have to get dopamine out of your brain to get clean, get your dopamine levels back down to normal, and that means quitting pushing the porn button, any porn button, permanently. Unless you are thinking about making a ham and cheese sandwich, with mustard, while edging, you are using edging to release dopamine. Recognize this.

    There is an excellent thread on this issue, which I invite you to read:

    I want to confess that when I first started this journey I too used porn substitutes to perpetuate my addiction. I had progressed to fairly hardcore stuff, and when I tried quitting I patted myself on the back that I was only watching vanilla nudes. However, I was not making progress, I was just using something else to get my dopamine release. Dopamine is not only released to MO, it is released to sexual thoughts, sexual imagery, meaning the kind of imagery you invoke in your head when you edge. It is a misconception that you have to be seeing porn to be using porn; if you are thinking about it, at least for a porn addict, you are using it to release dopamine, even if you are in the middle of the woods without any technology. You may have moved from high speed internet porn on your computer to an occasional peak on your smart phone, but you are still just perpetrating a dopamine release, and until you free yourself of that, you won't be free.

    What perusan said is right. Once you turn off the dopamine spout your brain's reward center does not like it. It loves dopamine. This is the nature of addiction. If it cannot get you to push the porn button, it will start to rationalize with you, reason with you, that other means of release, not commonly understood as porn, are appropriate buttons to push. Don't believe it. You will never beat a dopamine addiction by switching the button you push to get it. That is a trap many of us fall into. In my experience that is why we see guys failing 2-12 days out. They have had some success quitting "porn" as it is defined, but they are still pushing other buttons to get the dopamine release. In that link I posted above you will find a broader definition of porn. It is not scientific, but I believe it to be true.

    Good luck on your journey.
    Akira likes this.
  5. Fadeless

    Fadeless Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the feedback :), I guess I will just go 90 days or something to reboot my brain and see if that cured my PE, if not I will need to edge to train my body not to ejaculate when it gets to the PONR (point of no return). A ton of people cured it that way but I will see what happens in the future.
  6. Hey Fadeless, absolutely don't edge.

    If you want to cure PE, I recommend doing reverse kegels, an exercise which gives you greater control of your urinary tract. Regular kegels also help with endurance. Here's a starter link:

    Check out kegel exercises. They really help to give you control over your sexual performance.
  7. Fadeless

    Fadeless Fapstronaut

    Hello, thanks for the link. Yes I started a pelvic floor balance workout routine today that I discovered from PEGym and takes about 90 days to complete. I will be doing that during my NoFap and hopefully I should see some improvements with ejaculation control, etc.
  8. digiter

    digiter Fapstronaut

    This is not a cure, on the contrary. Premature ejaculation is a condition that usually is caused by excessive ejaculation. Fapping will eventually make you ejaculate, despite your efforts.
    From traditional chinese medicine point of view PE is caused by insuficiency of yin energy so You should concentrate on building this as well as taking herbs for astringing the semen and stop the leakage. I suggest You to read the topic:
  9. Fadeless

    Fadeless Fapstronaut

    Seems interesting, I will give it a read, thanks :).
  10. nofapjt

    nofapjt Fapstronaut

    helpful resources. thank you