NoFap made me more addicted...

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Wouter, Jun 13, 2015.

  1. Wouter

    Wouter Guest

    you know i never had it this bad as i did before i started doing NoFap...
    now when i breakdown i just masturbate every hour for days
    i feel like i'm gonna die of a heartattack when i have a orgasme... my heart feels very strange and skips beats
    i cant sleep i'm barely eating
    i still lift weights cuz my heart feels ok after a good workout
    but i feel very very tired

    i feel the need to touch myself all the time, i force my boners and force myself to cum
    i cant stop masturbating till i cum, so when its very late its very hard to cum but i keep on doing it for sometimes an hour till i finally cum and feel like my heart will just give up
  2. JJohnson

    JJohnson Fapstronaut

    I know it's hard bro. I've relapsed twice today myself. I can't trust myself with being alone. My wife and kids are out of town this weekend. Take comfort that you are not fighting this fight alone. We are fighting this together hand in hand.

    There is a NoFap emergency link on the first page of the rebooting forums. I suggest bookmarking it and when you feel the urge to fap push that button. I even renamed the bookmark to "porn." That way when I go to click on porn when I want to relapse I end up on the NoFap emergency link where I can find inspiration to do the right thing.
  3. Congrelous

    Congrelous Fapstronaut

    This is called the "sensitization" phase. As the name implies, your body becomes more sensitive to the addictive stimuli. It's normal. You have to fight through it.
    Kurapika 2 and Milad A T like this.
  4. heartpower

    heartpower Fapstronaut

    It's because you are facing your addiction. And your addiction wants to survive, like anything else. And it will fight back.
  5. VanillaMochi

    VanillaMochi Fapstronaut

    When I relapsed I thought the same thing. It's a lot easier to blame outside forces that encourage the current behavior and justify it. You probably have had this problem for a while, but now you are becoming consciously competent at identifying it. Which just means you're able to see the harm in doing it. And sure, you may be a little more stressed out from engaging in a behavior that you view as now "dangerous" but it's all in your head really. The physical feelings you're experiencing are psychological but their source can be either yourself, NoFap, or the content that you're viewing.

    You have a very real problem that may be causing you heart problems. If that's not a sign to try and stop I don't know what is. But believe me I understand. I use to smoke, I am recovering from smoking, and my heart would hurt sometimes which made me want to smoke even more. It's not the smoking that's the problem. Something else in your life is making you seek out the drug. Heart problems or not if you can't change your patterns you'll still continue to use it.

    Stop blaming NoFap for your addiction. Your addiction was here before NoFap. It's your life, and ultimately your responsibility to change your own life. A good quote from a song I heard recently that I like said:

    I can draw your bath,
    and load your gun,
    but I pray to God,
    that you bathe and hunt.

    It's your choice. Only you can decide when enough is enough. Take responsibility but more importantly than that, take action.
    Kurapika 2 and Milad A T like this.