NoFap Library

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Andrew0268, Mar 25, 2015.

  1. Andrew0268

    Andrew0268 Fapstronaut


    I'm hoping to create a library for the NoFap Community.

    If you could just write about your favorite book(s) that helped you overcome or learning about how to quit PMO. You can also include blogs or websites if they are of high quality.

    Just post...
    1) book title
    2) author
    3) short description
    4) how many stars out of 5 *****?
  2. kitty fukr

    kitty fukr Banned

    Holy bible
    Knowledge about all facets of life
  3. fapequalsdeath

    fapequalsdeath Fapstronaut

  4. The Eleven

    The Eleven Fapstronaut

    "Mindfulness in Plain English" by Bhante Gunaratna. 5/5. Gunaratna lays out the fundamentals of Vipassana meditation (a/k/a mindfulness or insight meditation) in a simple, elegant and persuasive way. He explains the basics of the practice, then anticipates the problems most people encounter in the practice and provides easy, common sense ways to address and resolve them. An invaluable read for anyone interested in meditation.

    (I have found meditation to be an invaluable weapon against anxiety, depression and the urges we all feel as we take this journey).
  5. Andrew0268

    Andrew0268 Fapstronaut

    Your Brain on Porn -
    Gary Wilson

    An excellent review of some of the scientific literature regarding pornography and addiction. It helped me get an idea of what was going on in my brain and physiology while on porn. Why I had some of my low self esteem, why I had some ED problems, why I could never be satisfied. Knowledge and understanding is great.... and once I actually applied what the book taught I became much better.
  6. Kurapika

    Kurapika Guest

    Only books or any useful resources?
  7. teaandbiscuits

    teaandbiscuits Fapstronaut

    I don't really have a recommendation for any one book in particular however I do definitely advocate reading in general as an awesome self improvement method in general... I find that in comparison to watching TV, reading is a far better way of unwinding - yes it is still a form of escapism/ entertainment, however the fact that it requires active engagement and concentration, rather than just passive consumption, makes it a much more valuable use of time - in my opinion.

    Personally, I find I have many triggers to PMO, including things like boredom, loneliness, laziness, dissastisfaction, depression... and then when I take a long hard look in the mirror and say to myself: "if porn seems to be the answer, then what is the real problem?" ... I realise that normally when I am feeling my lowest, my most bored, my most lonely, my most worthless, it is when, honestly, I'm spending most of my time just sitting around watching TV or watching youtube and generally being unproductive and lazy.

    To really challenge oneself by reading something difficult that requires sustained concentration and engagement is a much better use of time... right?

    So yes, no specific book titles from me, but definitely recommend general reading for self improvement! Whether it's books on spirituality or whether it's Game of Thrones!
    zadvanceppa likes this.
  8. Immor

    Immor Fapstronaut

    "Outwitting the Devil" by Napoleon Hill
    Did he really talk to the devil? We may never know, but what I do know is that he wrote a very readable book which rings true and goes into detail about the greatest danger to NoFap - drifting.

    "Mini Habits" by Stephen Guise
    I didn't actually read the book yet, but have been using the idea from some new guy on here and it works. It is explained by the title pretty much, or here:

    "Taoist Secrets of Love" by Mantak Chia
    The go-to book when it comes to energy transmutation. With all the theory and practical advice needed. I'm still working on successfully doing this, but some people are really enthusiastic about the results they got with it:

    "Willpower" by Roy F. Baumeister and John Tierney
    This one didn't really seem to help me too much on its own, but it is interesting to learn more about this basic force we are working with. And this book is a good read and still gets the scientific findings across.
  9. red30

    red30 Fapstronaut

    This source is the one that really opened my eyes to what I was doing and how self-destructive my habit truly was. It basically made me understand the mechanism that was affecting my behavior; the Coolidge effect. I was engaging in a process where I was searching for novel stimulus. I would literally be clicking away for hours looking for the perfect/next picture or video, which is what the theory predicted. After two weeks without this I feel more at ease with a mind that no longer races.
  10. HelpIsOnTheWay

    HelpIsOnTheWay Fapstronaut

    The Willpower Instinct by Kelly McGonigal may resonate much more, but will power isn't an end all solution.