Nofap hospice?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by OSU32, Jul 3, 2014.

  1. OSU32

    OSU32 Guest

    I've noticed that many guys are really getting their asses kicked with trying to Nofap. I know had for a long time. Do you think its kinda sad that many of our guys cant seem to get a handle on this way of life? I do.
    I think we do a huge disservice to our struggling guys by not holding them accountable and sharing real truth with them. The lies in their heads are beating the hell out of em and then they come try to reach out and many of us just pet em on the head and say "its gonna be ok". Really? how do you know its gonna be ok for THEM? This is a tough journey and many are lost into the despair of it. Its like for SOME Nofap site is like going into a HOSPICE. And btw, for those of you that don't understand what hospice is or means: it is where people go before they die. Now, in the context I'm using it in, I don't mean physical death, but the death of a better quality of life. so they come to Nofap hospice, we listen to em share the struggles, we give em one or two sentences to make em feel better, but really everyone is just watching these guys lose hope and expire (just like hospice). It jacks me up watching this. I know, for me, many times I got better cause people cared enough about me to screw my feelings and tell me some truth. Reach out to these guys coming to this site. Most of em really do want help (there are the few that show just to dump and make themselves feel better). Share some truth with em, WITHOUT judges them. we are all just beggers showing other beggers where the bread it.

    Nofap fellowship,

  2. Anonimato

    Anonimato Fapstronaut

    I guess you do have a point, but if someone is struggling and you just try to comfort them by giving them new methods to try and new ways of thinking then you are helping somehow. Plus let's remember that the ones who are really going to make us change are ourselves. No speech will do, but our will shall speak.

    PD. I quoted that because I'm just letting you know that I will use that phrase in my signature.
  3. stygian

    stygian Fapstronaut

    I see a lot of honesty on these forums, I don't see sugarcoating. I see examples of suggestions for tangible things for ppl to do. I think it's a matter of perspective. And why are you singling out men? Women struggle with this as well. I think the reason you see a lot of failure is because this is a very, very difficult addiction to overcome. So naturally there will be a lot of failure. I was relapsing a lot at one point. In the book Changing for Good, which is maybe the most detailed scientific book written on how to overcome addiction, I think the authors find that the majority of people fail when giving up addictions. So I think there is misattribution in thinking it is because of the feedback that ppl are getting and not the addiction itself.
  4. HispanicMON

    HispanicMON Fapstronaut

    you might be that guy, that people need.

    if thats what you believe is needed, then try.