No one has a clue and no one wants to talk about it

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Ted_Mozby, Feb 12, 2014.

  1. Ted_Mozby

    Ted_Mozby Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone, I am a new member to this community but i am not in trying to do what it stands for(Not Masturbating). My best score till date is 20 days which ended yesterday, the reason being that i felt so lonely at my cause even when i experienced remarkable improvements in my life by doing it. So irritated by the fact that no one around me is even willing to talk(forget trying)to do it and the ignorance that lies amongst the community based on the beliefs which they never dared to question and instead married the mundane, i joined this community which already makes me feel that i am not lonely at my cause.I even read stories of people achieving exceptional results by doing the same and would certainly hope the same for me as for everyone else.Any suggestions on how to keep myself motivated when the tough period starts shall be highly welcome.Adios amigos.
  2. Supercanadian

    Supercanadian Fapstronaut

    So you feel lonely? Have you tried to talk to people? If you say forget trying then thats whats preventing you from making friends and finding women.

    NoFap is to give you the extra drive to improve your life, not to improve your life by it self. You need to do things that make you feel better or gives you a sence of acomplishment.

    Dont get discouraged and relapse because that will make nothing better. Your taking the right steps for self improvement, but you may need to take a few more sooner then later.

    Every day we are looking for things we can improve on, we can continue to improve no mater what we have or havent accomplished. There is no "Im done trying to better my self and my life" you need to maintain that by adding more challenges and not forgetting why your doing this.
  3. PVG

    PVG Fapstronaut

    Hello Ted

    Totally agree with Supercanadian. Also, you need to think this like an investment in your future, a way to canalize your energy on other stuff and taking care of your virile aptitudes so you can succesfully apply them with real women you care about in the future. I had this problem for 36 years, and believe me, I really regret that it took me so much time to realize the damage the PMO addiction was doing to me and my family.

    Quitting PMO really changes your life. It just take some time to see the benefits, its hard but it can be done.

    Stay strong my friend.
  4. Clive

    Clive Fapstronaut

  5. Ted_Mozby

    Ted_Mozby Fapstronaut

    "Originally Posted by Supercanadian->
    So you feel lonely? Have you tried to talk to people? If you say forget trying then thats whats preventing you from making friends and finding women.

    NoFap is to give you the extra drive to improve your life, not to improve your life by it self. You need to do things that make you feel better or gives you a sence of acomplishment.

    Dont get discouraged and relapse because that will make nothing better. Your taking the right steps for self improvement, but you may need to take a few more sooner then later.

    Every day we are looking for things we can improve on, we can continue to improve no mater what we have or havent accomplished. There is no "Im done trying to better my self and my life" you need to maintain that by adding more challenges and not forgetting why your doing this. "

    Hello Supercanadian,
    Thankyou for your input my friend.There exists a lot of ignorance on this subject in todays world and getting a proper insight is really essential.Your feedback will certainly get me started.Cheers.
  6. Ted_Mozby

    Ted_Mozby Fapstronaut

    Thanks PVG and Clive, as a new member things down the road can get a little rough but i now understand that if i have to make major improvements with my life it has to be me who has to do it.Not masturbating will give me extra energy but unless i do something valuable with it i won't be any good.Motivation from you guys is greatly appreciated.