No more porn. I need to reboot, the new me starts here.

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Flash, May 3, 2014.

  1. Flash

    Flash Fapstronaut

    Hi, let me introduce myself.

    I'm a 36 year old man from the UK. I masturbate regularly, particularly when I'm working away from home, and I'm OK with that.

    However, recently I realised how reliant I've become on pornography to arouse me. It's got to the point that it just seems too much effort without it - I feel anxious if I want a release and don't have access to material.

    It clear to me that porn has sexually desensitised my mind and I'm worried about my consequent dependency for sexual pleasure. What's the impact of that on my physical relationship with my wife - I don't experience any specific disfunction, but would I be more passionate, more loving, more in the moment, if I was porn free?

    So I'm dumping porn forever, and I'm rebooting my mind by abstaining from fap. I've heard that a typical reboot takes 3 months - I'll start with the May challenge and see how I'm doing.

    I want to go on to achieve 90 days. I imagine I'll then return to fapping, but porn free, more mindful of my urges, maybe a better lover, and having the satisfaction of having achieved an impressive act of self control.

    So that's my reason for joining the NoFap and that's my challenge. But who knows? Let's see how I feel once I've completed, if I see the benefits mentioned by others in this community, there's even a chance I'll make it a way of life!

    So wish me luck, and please, if you have any advice or observations, either on my situation or on my challenge, please shout out.

    Thank you.
    Last edited: May 3, 2014
  2. Ghost Bloke

    Ghost Bloke Fapstronaut

    Hi Flash! I am also sick of the PMO cycle and recently joined. I hope you achieve your goal and that your wife will be give you strength and motivation!
  3. Flash

    Flash Fapstronaut

    Thanks Ghost Bloke, I read your introductory post and wish you well too - I'll keep an eye on your your posts and see how you're doing. Let's stay strong together. I think my next task is to start a journal thread.
  4. srdiogenes

    srdiogenes Fapstronaut

  5. Flash

    Flash Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the links srdiogenes, there's a lot of material there. I particularly liked the TEDx talk - it's a good level headed summary of the problem and a suggestion for the solution. The idea that we're the first generation to masturabate left-handed made me laugh! I'm doing OK on my challenge so far - I'm telling myself "don't touch it" whenever I feel the urge. I'm going to start a journal soon, I'll post a link here.
  6. Flash

    Flash Fapstronaut

    Last edited: May 7, 2014