Newbie Trying to Beat Fantasy and Masturbation

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by WesleyJ, Feb 9, 2021.

  1. WesleyJ

    WesleyJ Fapstronaut

    Hello all!

    I’m a 22-year-old student looking to break free of sexual bad habits and figured I would give this forum a shot.

    My problem isn’t porn - I was fortunate enough not to be exposed as a kid so that’s never been an issue. But I’ve tried for years to break free of sexual fantasy (I’ve had some recent success with this) with masturbation (with very limited success) and am hoping this forum can help me along this journey.

    My initial goal is to go at least 30 days without sexual fantasies masturbation. I’m Christian and unmarried, so for me this will mean no orgasm as well.

    Thanks for reading everyone! Looking forward to meeting many of you and hopefully adding something beneficial to others who are on the same path.
  2. Oliver Gunter

    Oliver Gunter Fapstronaut

    Hello and welcome! Next time you have such fantasies jump under the cold shower. It will clear your head. All the best!
    WesleyJ likes this.
  3. Uncle_Iroh

    Uncle_Iroh Fapstronaut

    Welcome and good luck, just be aware and in the moment, get through this day and live for this day and each moment within it, for tomorrow or yesterday matter not. Just take it one day at a time.
    Oliver Gunter and WesleyJ like this.
  4. Welcome! You can do it.
    WesleyJ and Oliver Gunter like this.