Newbie here, Introducing!

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by psychologicalant6500, Jun 2, 2023.

  1. psychologicalant6500

    psychologicalant6500 New Fapstronaut


    I am 21 years old as of now, and been addicted to masturbation and porn from early childhood. It took over my mind, and it's stopping me from doing my daily chores and wasting a lot of time. My mind is bludgeoning me into more masturbation, every time I try to quit.

    Here I am, signing up to this community, never knew we had a community like this, stepping into a new phase of my life, by getting de addicted or I can say, rebooting my life by choosing a plan to abstain from PMO, which is a 90 day plan!

    I believe that I will stick to this plan and I will detoxify my brain and get it back to the factory settings. It's all about the mind. Mind is the best weapon a person can have, and I am starting to sharpen it from today.

    Good luck to me and also to all the Fapstronauts! Have a good rebooting days!
  2. tim slim

    tim slim Fapstronaut

    YEAAAHH! I suuuper agree with you.

    Porn is a big fat ugly lie, hiding behind a drop of nectar.

    Let's uncover all its lies together throughout our lives, and be free from it.

    Welcome to the family, brother!
    Glad to have you here.
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