New Year - New ME

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Bob Kelso, Jan 2, 2019.

  1. Bob Kelso

    Bob Kelso New Fapstronaut

    Hi Everyone,
    I am 32, living in Europe, been watching porn since i was 14 or so I guess..! I had a rough break up 2 years ago, had really few sex relationships since then and have had erectile dysfunction EVERY time I was to have sex.. And of course I've been watching a lot of porn to compensate my loneliness and lack of sex activity.
    After having watch few lectures on the different effects of porn on our brain last evening, I was shocked on how much i can see these symptoms on my life. (ED but also : anxiety, depression, lack of attraction to women, lack of lust, and so on...)
    So I decided to quit porn and masturbating in order to cure these symptoms !
    I ll keep you posted on my journey. I wish to all of you the best of luck and thank you in advance for your support !
  2. drac16

    drac16 Fapstronaut

    Welcome to NoFap. Masturbation only helps fight loneliness temporarily; it doesn't last long at all. Once you learn to be happy with your situation as a single man/woman, you'll see that you no longer need masturbation to cope.