New to the whole "NoFap" thing..some thoughts..

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by BjornTMV, Dec 13, 2017.

  1. BjornTMV

    BjornTMV Fapstronaut

    As long as I can remember I've always masturbated, as it was normal and every guy did it right? More into my adult life and over just the past few years I started to notice a decrease in my sexual appetite. I wasn't staying erect for my partners very long, or I would just get tired and give up. I almost NEVER finished, and she began to think it was her, that I wasn't attracted or into sex with her anymore.

    I started wondering if I had some kind of ED problem but never wanted to go have it checked out. I also didn't think I had ED because I would still go home and jerk off no problem.. and very often... we're talking sometime 4-6 times a day and almost daily. I watched porn every time as well, and would start getting bored with 'normal' porn and start looking at really messed up or gross porn etc just for a new fix.

    Coming back to now, I recently heard about the nofap thing and thought it was just a challenge to see how long you can go, and didn't realize all the benefits of it. I believe that all my sexual problems may be stemmed from all the porn I watch and how often I masturbate. I think that subconsciously I started to compare the women I was with, to porn. I held them to a higher standard sexually, and when what I wasn't getting from them didn't feel like I was "in a porno" I was unsatisfied.

    So what I think I have learned:
    • I have an extreme porn addiction, and didn't realize it
    • Porn has ruined my sexual appetite and sexual relations with women
    • I masturbate entirely too much with a very hard death grip, which I've gotten used to so vaginal sex doesn't seem to feel as good.
    • Probably a ton more issues have come from this that I haven't realized yet.

    Today is my 3rd day of NoFap and I am already going crazy, especially because right now I am single (and have been over a year) and ready to get back into it, but I feel that I will still fall back into my same ways.. so of course I am "on the prowl" for a relationship. I have been constantly trying to keep myself busy and keep my mind off it too.. Right now it's hard because I am between jobs and have all this free time. I start my new job next week though so that will help quite a bit. I'm not sure how long I can keep up the NoFap though.. it seriously is an addiction, similar to drug or alcohol withdrawal..
    Roady likes this.
  2. Hi @BjornTMV

    Glad to see you have discovered you are addicted and need to do something about it.
    Yes, It is drug, similar to cocaine. The brain gets damaged indeed. However it's possible to let the brain
    rewire itself. It's an amazing body part isn't it?

    I wish you good luck on your reboot.
    Fly around the forum, read stories, let yourself encouraged by the posts of others.
    It may help you to keep a daily journal.

    Everything is possible, if you believe in it.
    So... let's do this. You are not alone !
  3. Yanis

    Yanis Fapstronaut

    Welcome to the Nofap community.
    The NO PMO journey is not easy but worth the effort.

    It's your choice to get rid of addiction or to be addicted for the rest of your life. Right now you are single? I am single since 5 years now - and I enjoy it very much. Sexual abstinence lets me feel wonderful.

    Very good you realized it. Did you make any commitment - not for the community but for yourself?

    Good luck!
  4. BjornTMV

    BjornTMV Fapstronaut

    I am making the commitment to myself, and only myself.