New to Nofap website but not new to NoFap.

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by FoundTheFreedom, Oct 27, 2020.

  1. FoundTheFreedom

    FoundTheFreedom Fapstronaut

    I'm new to this website and its forum. I've been a somewhat active member of the NoFap subreddit. It's been pretty good there. I just decided to give myself more options and came here. I'm 59 years old and have been a porn addict for at least 30 years. I just came face to face with it last week. My SO has been telling me I'm addicted to porn but I didn't believe her. Last week, I decided to research porn addiction to see if it's true. I did start to wonder. Also, I'm a prostate cancer survivor. I was diagnosed and had surgery to remove the prostate and cancer on September 22, 2011. I was told it was nerve sparing but something went wrong during surgery and now I have, I'm guessing, permanent ED. After the catheter came out after two weeks, I realized I cannot get hard anymore so I stepped up my porn use and masturbation. I CAN get an O but no more hardon. I'm not stopping PMO for that purpose. My porn use has damaged my relationship with my SO. She feels she can't compete with the women in porn and, to be honest, she shouldn't have to. THAT is why I want to never again see any porn and to stop masturbating for three months to see if all of that can be curbed and to, hopefully, improve my relationship with my SO. Right now, she's is post-menopausal and has NO libido. She knows about my NoFap journey but doesn't offer me a lot of support but I guess I deserve that. Anyway, I hope to post often here and try to support others in this cause. So far, I have unjoined ALL the NSFW subreddits on Reddit. I have deleted both on my phone and my laptop ALL the bookmarks for porn sites. I have changed my settings on Reddit to not allow NSFW messages. I have changed my Google Search and turned Safesearch on. I'm doing all I can to eradicate ANY exposure to porn. I haven't decided what to do about Instagram and women who post semi-clad pictures of themselves. I had been following over 2000 Instagram members, mostly women. I have unfollowed already over 1000 of those members. If any of those pictures broke the rules of Instagram, I have reported them. It's been four days already in my NoFap journey and I feel pretty good. I do get strong urges but they fade if I distract myself. After over 30 years of porn, it feels pretty weird not to have porn to look at and masturbate to.
    palindromo likes this.
  2. palindromo

    palindromo Fapstronaut

    I suggest also to change DSN on computer/wifi , to install many porn blockers and to deactivate Incognito navigation.
    Unfollow them all , all the people you don't know in real life ; i also find effective to have time restriction on instagram/facebook usage
    One Eyed Owl likes this.
  3. RobW

    RobW Fapstronaut

    Welcome, this is the start of your recovery. I’m an addict of 25+ years. And the have to say letting go is difficult, but it can be done.
    The advice I’d give you starting out is to delete ALL social media, have a full reboot. I’m currently in week four of rebooting and I cannot believe just how many times I have reached for my phone to check FB before realising that I have deleted it. If friends need me in the meantime they can message me.
    Try reading “your brain on porn” and offer it to your SO to help them understand what was/is going on for you with the addiction.

    Oh, and keep checking in here, keep updating your progress on your profile, keep seeing those days of being clean add up. There are lots of. Wonderful people on here, and lots of advice and experience.
    Stay strong, you can get through this.
    Gef.71 likes this.
  4. One Eyed Owl

    One Eyed Owl Distinguished Fapstronaut