new to NoFap too much gay porn

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by shadowguy, Mar 28, 2017.

  1. shadowguy

    shadowguy New Fapstronaut

    As title suggests I'm into dudes
    29, single, very sexually frustrated cos I'm not getting any. Mostly by choice.
    Fap almost once a day. Everyday.
    Longest duration of NoFap is 6 days cold turkey last year.
    I feel like if I had a bf I wouldn't fap as much. I may be wrong.
    Faping doesn't usually interfere with my life, but affects my sleep cos I'd be up late fapping. Makes me hypersexual and perpetually horny.
    Steps I take to cut back: restricting pmo to only times when I am absolutely free. Not keeping porn content on my devices. .
    Not much progress.
    Help a brother out.
  2. ILoathePorn

    ILoathePorn Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Welcome to this community! You will fine a lot of awesome support here. This is a long and difficult journey, but one well worth it.

    Here are some things I recommend:

    -Start a journal to keep track of your thoughts and feelings throughout your journey, analyze them. Often times you can discover new things that can help your recover.
    -Create a set of rules for your reboot
    -Create some goals
    -Create a plan of action so when you feel triggered you can enact it immediately saving precious seconds
    -Identify your triggers and as soon as you start feeling triggered, enact your plan of action without even thinking
    -Remember to be patient, take one day at a time
    -If you do relapse, learn from it, adjust your plan of action and rules and move forward - don't be to hard on yourself

    I hope this helps, Stay strong!
  3. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    Welcome to NoFap where you are amongst friends who are here to encourage you and sometimes challenge you but not judge you.

    Check out In Case You Didn't Know for strategies and tips which may help you along your journey.
  4. Jaime123

    Jaime123 Fapstronaut

    Hey, welcome Shadowguy!
    You might find it easier to quit porn entirely rather than trying to cut down. If you know you've quit, for good, you won't be looking forward to the next hit. Then you can focus on allowing your brain to recover so that you can enjoy real sex with real guys.
    What's your motivation for doing this?
    D . J . likes this.
  5. rubbedout

    rubbedout Fapstronaut

    Shadowing: I hear you and send best wishes. I would be happy to AP with you as I am in the same boat with you brother.