New to NoFap idea

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by greenbeans123, Feb 16, 2021.

  1. greenbeans123

    greenbeans123 New Fapstronaut

    hi, 20 yr old female here, just starting out on their NoFap journey. been hearing a lot abt it from my current partner. I've been masturbating for 8 yrs now and I want to make a change in my life, and I want more enjoyable sex. any good places for me to start? anything I should expect on this new journey?

    palindromo likes this.
  2. TIMMY0110

    TIMMY0110 Fapstronaut

    there is a "women in reboot" section, I suggest you to post in that section to get better advice...since a male perspective is different...

    Good luck.
    palindromo and greenbeans123 like this.
  3. palindromo

    palindromo Fapstronaut

    Please, start studying carefully what's happening in your mind >

    First time without porn will be stressful , but if you resist , in some months you will feel reborn.

    If the first times a person relapse easly, it's okay.
    The streaks becomes even longer , day by day.
    Don't porn anymore, it's better to struggle and at the last to relapse than to look at porn.
    No more instagram pictures of models. No more erotic imagines , erotic stories or erotic asmr.

    We should improve in all area of our life, just being dissatisfied or stressed makes us relapse.

    An effective weapon to overcome urges and thoughts : mindfulness.
    The brain will try to win you and to get some triggers for the seek of dopamine. Resist