Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by control your life, Nov 10, 2019.

  1. control your life

    control your life Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Im going for Annapurna
    Coffee Candy and Sleepingbadger like this.
  2. Check in for Day 3 , 4 ,5,6,7......sorry i could not check in for the past few days , as my internet connection was not working...however , the good thing was that i used the situation for my advantage , and the absence of internet helped me have a break from social media and i had a change from normal routine...i also learnt that I do not really have an addiction to social media and life without it can be comfortable (i only use social media to look at some memes for humour , read some poetry , have motivation and mantain contact with few good friends...) any way , overall , i had minimum urges , and despite slight phases of anxiety and depression , i started feeling stronger than before...
  3. Sleepingbadger

    Sleepingbadger Fapstronaut

    Check! Day 29/200
    Kilimanjaro Challenge
  4. check in Day 11...currently , there is significantly less depression ,and even though my holidays are ending and i wished that they had been more productive , i am still happy that i did go out of home for solo walks and also to spend time with family (to of my favorite activities) , tried to maintain my exercise routine , and also did some satisfactory preparation for my exam retake.....i hope ,my coming school days will be great..
  5. Sleepingbadger

    Sleepingbadger Fapstronaut

    Check! Day 32/200
    Kilimanjaro Challenge
  6. Sleepingbadger

    Sleepingbadger Fapstronaut

    Check! Day 33/200
    Kilimanjaro Challenge
  7. Sleepingbadger

    Sleepingbadger Fapstronaut

    Check! Day 34/200
    Kilimanjaro Challenge
  8. lceres6

    lceres6 Fapstronaut

    Check in day 41
    control your life likes this.
  9. lceres6

    lceres6 Fapstronaut

    Day 3

    control your life likes this.
  10. Check in Day 23....Today , I realized how I am getting immune to peer pressure....A couple of my friends were teasing me because I told them I had never really watched porn , and only had masturbated porn subsitutes and fantasies in my life.die to this , my friends showed me a little picture of porn (They said it will make me a real man) from their phone...( I managed to quickly look away without the little peak)and they thought i was shocked as I may be unaware ......I told them that this kind of little peak does not effect me , as just because I had not watched such things , did not mean I was unaware , and I told them that these kind of random pics are seen daily...due to this they were a little shocked....Good thing is I had quickly looked away from the image and did not feel aroused at all
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2020
    control your life likes this.
  11. lceres6

    lceres6 Fapstronaut

    Day 6

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