New Member - Looking for Accountability for 1 week

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by mj345, Sep 14, 2014.

  1. mj345

    mj345 Fapstronaut

    I'm looking to put my sexual impulses in control. I waste several hours a week on porn and masturbation. My motivations are both religious and nonreligious. I'm Catholic and so I am motivated by my faith, but the thing that hits me the most is the time I waste from watching porn and how sexual thoughts seem to dominate every thought in my mind.

    I want clarity and I want to devote my precious time to more healthy, fulfilling, and productive pursuits.

    I'm open to any accountability partner but someone of a Christian, or more specifically Catholic background I think would be most ideal since we have shared religious back ground.

    Right now my target is 7 days Monday Sept. 15th through Sunday Sept. 21st no porn, no masturbation.
  2. Mr. Stop

    Mr. Stop Fapstronaut

    I'm not Catholic or Christian (born and raised, but no longer), but I just want to give you props for what you're doing. It's hard, but you can certainly do this!
    Give the community a shout if you're having a hard time.
  3. Urung

    Urung Fapstronaut

    Keep my fingers crossed!
  4. justasinner

    justasinner New Fapstronaut

    Mj345, are you male? As a male myself my biggest trigger is females talking about this stuff, so I think it would be detrimental to me to try to help a female.

    Otherwise, I am interested in talking about what we hope to accomplish. I'm a fellow Catholic and not involved with porn, but definitely having trouble getting stopped permanently with MO.

    Let me know if you are interested.