New here, not sure if I fit or not

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by locked boy nyc, Nov 30, 2020.

  1. locked boy nyc

    locked boy nyc Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone,

    I'm new to nofap and having spent the past few days reading and looking around, the conversations here are really speaking to me. But I'm also in a different situation from a lot of you so let me explain my history.

    First off, I'm 36, I'm gay and I have a history of submissive fetishes. I'm very sex-positive, so I don't find any of that shameful, in and of itself. Fetishes are fine when they're part of a balanced and healthy sex life. One of my biggest fetishes has always been being locked in chastity, and luckily I have an amazing partner (future husband?) who thinks I should be locked as well.

    We have a great sex life. I'm a bottom and stay locked up, and we have wonderful sex 1-3 times per week. He's very loving and gentle which is new for me. I've always felt strongly deep down that O just wasn't for me, and I'm so lucky to get to have a partner who thinks so too. He always says that I need to stay locked in chastity for my own good and because he loves me.

    But here's the problem. I'm realizing that through all of this I have an extremely unhealthy porn addiction. Being locked in chastity makes me horny, but instead of transferring any of that energy into anything productive, I spend hours on end trolling extreme porn and wasting my life in front of the computer. What's worse, I've figured out that if I rub my chastity cage just right I can actually still masturbate within my device, which is like cheating on my loving partner.

    I know I need to stop the porn addiction and stop touching myself! I know it's bad for me and ruins my mood, ruins my energy and my self-esteem, and it makes me into a lier since I tell him I'm being good and not doing that. But the urges are so strong. Why do I watch this extreme porn where guys are brutal to each other when I have a loving partner I could go cuddle with instead? I want to channel this energy into healthy things like getting in shape, organizing my finances, working harder at my job (I work for myself, so hours of porn = hours ignoring my work).

    Anyway I have a long journey ahead, and I feel sort of alone. The gay chastity community is so focused on porn and fetish. The nofap community might judge me. But I think I was drawn to chastity at a young age because it's right for me in a fundamental way. I somehow knew I needed it. Then porn took that impulse and made it really dark, like it's always just a hardcore fetish, rather than part of a very healthy, loving, monogamous relationship. So why can't I give up the porn?!

    Anyway, I'm just saying hi for now. I'd love to hear anyone's thoughts and encouragement :)
    Imhuman and (deleted member) like this.
  2. 007_JamesBond

    007_JamesBond Fapstronaut

    Locked boy nyc, welcome. I think many of us grow up not having learned much self control. I think fasting years ago was good for me because I didn't give in to my body's urging for food. I find talking out loud to myself helpful because I then hear my own commands. Why not write down your goal and then say it out load to yourself a few times.

    Physical bodies get used to substances like alcohol and drugs, but they also get used to watching porn and masturbation. It takes effort to retrain them. I know some will disagree, but I encourage you to first reduce the amount of porn rather than set a goal that is too high to reach.
  3. locked boy nyc

    locked boy nyc Fapstronaut

    Thanks so much for the reply! I think you're right about achievable goals. I'm also hoping that I can find a little accountability here. I may even try one of the support groups... maybe I will try meditation as well. Honestly, I'm proud of myself just for posting all this and owning up to my problem, even just on an internet forum. It's amazing how awful it is to live in denial.

    I guess my goal for now is to make it through the week without a relapse. No P!! I've got a really busy week of work and I'll try to focus on that, and I'll try to come back every day to post my progress.
  4. 007_JamesBond

    007_JamesBond Fapstronaut

    I'm glad you have a partner. That gives you an incentive that many others do not have. Part of your motivation to grow in self mastery could be to be a better partner. I hope your partner is supportive and willing to talk about anything, even when you don't live up to your goals. Partners should assist each other with their personal challenges, because everyone has something to master.
  5. Ewig

    Ewig Fapstronaut

    Hey Locked Boy! I am also new in here, and I identify with much of what you say in your post! Do you think we can be friends?
  6. locked boy nyc

    locked boy nyc Fapstronaut

    This rings so true for me but also sort of breaks my heart. My partner is amazing, we've been together for about two years now and we've lived together through the pandemic and I'm more in love now than I ever have been. That's a big part of my motivation to improve myself and my life. And he's so supportive of my journey.

    But here's the part that's difficult. I've been lying to him about this. Sure, he sees me looking at my computer or phone all the time but I don't think he knows how much of that time is spent on porn. And worse, because we agreed that PMO was bad for me when he locked me in chastity, he has no idea that I've figured out how to MO anyway, and I've lied straight to his face about it. If you asked him where he thought my counter was, he would say more than 100 days. The truth is, it's less than a week :(

    FWIW, he doesn't have this problem at all. He gave up MO without trying, sort of naturally when he began having relationships. Now he only has orgasms with me, which is so incredibly sweet! I think I need to come clean and start being honest with him. It's not fair to him and it's making me feel so guilty. I just don't know if I have the heart to tell him I've lied to him so many times... maybe I can just be truthful moving forward, resolve to do better and let the past be the past?

    The last thing to say is that even though I'm really feeling the weight of this struggle, I also woke up with more optimism today than I have in a long time. I'm going to start a journal thread I think, track my progress and also try to track mediation and exercise. It seems like those things really help guys living without PMO so I'm ready to dive in head first.

    Hey Ewig, thanks, I'm glad I'm not alone. What exactly are you struggling with? I'd love to hear your story as well. And sure, I think we could all use a friend who understands this stuff :)
  7. mythdunk

    mythdunk Fapstronaut

    The thing I like about the NoFap community is that it seems to be very non judgemental so I doubt that you have anything to worry about with regards to being judged. Gay, bi, or straight, we are all members of this community because we are struggling with the same issues. I think you are on the right road to recovery already as I really liked your comments about improving your health, finances, etc...
    There is no doubt in my mind that redirecting energies towards more positive projects does work, particularly as it helps to fill the void left behind by Porn abstention. Porn is like a person that you have known for years and have relied heavily upon but doesnt have your best interests at heart. Good luck my friend.
    locked boy nyc likes this.
  8. Ewig

    Ewig Fapstronaut

    Pleasure to meet you, Locked Boy.
    Right now, I am struggling with the following question:
    I have just completed No Nut November. And now I am not sure what to do...
    Officially I would be allowed to nut now that we are in December.

    I have looked into Destroy Dick December, but I know it is physiologically impossible, and will cause severe pain once I reach the 15 or 20 day mark (though not the kind of pain I am looking forward too). It would also be probably very energy draining and thus hinder me from whatever else I intend to do this month. So I am discouraged from attempting it.

    I could, however, do my own version of Destroy Dick December, which I will describe below. Alternatively, I could continue with this NoFap situation (no dick touching allowed).

    Right now, I feel a sudden flux of sexual energy that has been repressed throughout the whole month. Part of me is saying "boy, you can finally nut, let's do it". But another part of me is saying: nutting involves fapping, and I don't like the sound of the word 'fap', so I probably shouldn't do it. I also am put off by the coomer meme, which discourages me from coming/nutting. So, well, I have to figure out what to do.

    The other day, I met a guy in the YouTube comment section and I added him on SnapChat, and he told me that porn and masturbation are bad things, and I shouldn't do them. This made me consider extending the NoFap beyond the month of November, and going not using porn too. I have actually looked at porn (mostly webcam) a couple times this month, since this is officially allowed, as long as you don't masturbate.

    I have been watching some material on YouTube about Porn. Many people say it is bad, I am currently undecided, and searching for an answer on that as well. I think I can go without porn without any problems, but I feel sometimes the urge to masturbate (although the ugliness of this word drives me away from it). Of course, I can use euphemisms such as 'touching myself' which make it sound better and then I might do it.

    Anyway, I'll now describe my own idea for Destroy Dick December as I mentioned above: I would tightly wrap some wire around my penis every night, and drink as much water as I can before going to sleep. This way, my penis would grow during the night (from the increased blood circulation and urine retention caused by the water), causing intense pain. I'd do this every night for the whole month. I could also think of other ways I could use to 'destroy' my dick during the day.

    I would like to know whether doing the practice I mentioned above every day could cause health problems in the long run, but I don't where to ask. But I suppose that if I do this for just one month, it won't be a problem.

    I don't know if you're into pain as well, but from what you said, I can infer that chastity is for you a huge turn-on. I don't think I would be able to wear a chastity belt 24x7. I would be so turned on by wearing it that I wouldn't be able to concentrate on whatever I was trying to do. Maybe it would subside as time goes on, but I think I would rather not have any sexual devices on me (including chastity belts) in a non-sexual situation.

    Anyway, I am sorry if this is too long and all over the place. Also, I am not sure this material is appropriate for this forum. If it is not, I will immediately remove my post. I really don't wanna break any rules, so please forgive me if that's the case. I'm new here.
  9. Ewig

    Ewig Fapstronaut

    Regarding NoFap, I can say without a doubt that the first week is by far the most difficult. When I began No Nut November, I felt the intense urge to masturbate for the first few days. By the second week, it got easier. By the third, I almost forgot I was on NoFap, and by the fourth I didn't think of it altogether. So, if you push yourself beyond this first week, I think you can easily conquer the second, and the third, and so on. On the flipside, you should not feel bad if your longest streak is less than a week, because that first week is the most difficult. A person with, say a 4 week streak is not 4 times better than a person with a 1 week streak. In fact, a person with a 1 week streak is awesome, and people with longer streaks get only marginally better IMO (in terms of efforts, I mean, not benefits).
  10. One Eyed Owl

    One Eyed Owl Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Welcome to NoFap!!!
    locked boy nyc likes this.
  11. locked boy nyc

    locked boy nyc Fapstronaut

    Thanks so much for the kind words of welcome! I've been really struck by how open-minded and encouraging the community is here, from what I can see so far. I've been on a lot of message boards over the years and nowhere have I felt so welcomed. I'm also a gay guy who's spent most of my time online on gay sites, most of which focus on porn and sex. I love my gay friends, but gay culture can be really toxic, body-shaming, and shallow. But usually when I'm with straight guys I feel weird talking about my sexuality and sexual health in an open way, so I just keep my mouth shut. It's pretty liberating to talk openly about my goals.

    I'm actually feeling really great about this journey. I feel like the nofap attitude is all about self-improvement and there are so many areas of my life I'd like to work on. I'm a little nervous that I'll take this burst of energy, bite off more than I can chew, and then burn out and relapse, so I'm trying to moderate my excitement. But I'm feeling optimistic :)

    Hm, your post has a lot of things to respond to. Honestly I think we may not be on quite the same page. I'm very sex-positive and I don't think there's anything wrong with kinks, when they're practiced within safe, sane, and consensual relationships founded on trust. But I'm not sure that wrapping wire around yourself as you sleep in order to cause severe pain is healthy or safe. I'm also not sure this is the right place to be discussing that sort of fantasy, as it could be pretty triggering for some people.

    My interest in wearing a chastity device is complicated. I was drawn to the idea of wearing one from a very early age, but I think it was my exposure to porn that made me understand it as a fetish in the first place. But historically, chastity devices were used by all sorts of virtuous people to keep them protected from unsafe or undesirable behaviors. It's really recent in the grand scheme of things that they could be considered a fetish. I'm starting to wonder if part of my journey is reclaiming the original purpose of chastity, without porn, so I can live without PMO and redirect my energies toward self-improvement. I'm still exploring these ideas but this is where my head is at now, anyway.
    mythdunk likes this.
  12. zixovoso

    zixovoso New Fapstronaut

    Hello and welcome ;)
    locked boy nyc likes this.
  13. Phatty

    Phatty New Fapstronaut

    Hi, trying to take NoFap more seriously recently, and decided to try with a cage

    i just have a few questions:
    1)how is your nofap going, if your still following it?
    2) do you sleep in it? any tips on that, it hurts when trying to sleep in it currently
    3) im aiming for a month rn, is that too short of a goal, should i am higher?
