New here, not so new to nofap

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by rockwriter, Dec 26, 2013.

  1. rockwriter

    rockwriter Fapstronaut

    I'm guessing my story is very familiar to most people here. I'm 30, and have been addicted to PMO for more than a decade. I have had a few long-term relationships, and in retrospect, they were sabotaged by my addiction. I have had some ED for at least the last 5 years, but never really suspected PMO as a possible cause.

    Over the last few years I have thought about and even tried to give up PMO by myself, and have failed, certainly always by 2 week mark. I only recently discovered online communities of people who have have the same problems.

    I have been keeping track of my lapses and relapses for the last 8 weeks quite diligently, and have managed to go from a peak of 6 times a day to being able to skip a day or two. But I really want to rewire the brain, and am looking forward to taking the steps towards a complete PMO abstention.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2013
  2. Jason2

    Jason2 Guest

    Welcome to the group! We're here for you, and we know you'll be here for us. We share, and we gain strength and wisdom from the sharing. No man is an island, as the old saying goes, and that's more true than ever in our fight against porn and masturbation. We all need help, from each other, and from God! We need people close to us, special to us, whom we can trust and open up to, upon whom we can rely. We men need good women! Best hopes for you, bro.
  3. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Hi! Just wishing you all the best. Have you been over to the main forums? Get stuck in and see what grabs your attention and help and be helped just by making an honest contribution.

    I quit heavy drinking, cigarettes, and cannabis on the same day in 2008 after 25 years of use and abuse. I haven't touched any of them since and now I'm doing the same with PMO. And I don't mention that to brag (25 years of use and abuse is nothing to brag about!) I say it to encourage and to offer hope.

    Addiction is addiction and to overcome it we MUST make fundamental changes in the way we think and behave which in turn will change our and habits so learn everything you can, KNOW you can do this (knowing is so much stronger that believing) and see this as an adventure in which you have the potential to learn and grow beyond your wildest dreams.

    But you have to be truly up for it and in a nutshell I would suggest in the beginning you learn as much as you can about the problem then focus on the solution...

    Just in case your interested I've put the three main resources I used to help change my thoughts/behaviours in my signature below. I can't recommend them enough but this is your journey and these are only suggestions. You will get plenty of other equally valid advice as there's a very healthy balance of perspectives on this site and together we are making a meaningful, positive, lasting difference which I for one am thrilled to be part of.

    Stay strong and keep going ;)...
  4. rockwriter

    rockwriter Fapstronaut

    Thank you both, for the encouragement and support. I have read through a lot of the material already, and I find going back to it is quite helpful. Here's to the good fight! I am very impressed with your streaks.