New Fapstronaut looking for a new start

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by bussani104, Feb 8, 2017.

  1. bussani104

    bussani104 Fapstronaut

    Both porn and masturbation have been a part of my life for the past 10 years and have often controlled my emotions and actions. I've always wanted to stop and for the past year (after these addictions came extremely close to destroying a relationship) I have been beginning to fight back. I am to the point now where I can usually push aside the urge for porn when it hits, but have yet to even come close to beat masturbation. Regardless of how often I tell myself "I'm gonna stop" I still will daily or multiple times a day go to masturbation for release. I hate it and can daily see how it negatively effects me and my relationship and actions towards my girlfriend.

    I know I can't beat this by myself, and thats why I'm here, I need community, I need a army of fapstonauts to walk beside towards a nofap life. Obviously for me a completly nofap life is the long term goal, but I'm gonna start small and continue fighting and working torwards complete freedom of this.
    D . J . and Detraks like this.
  2. Detraks

    Detraks Fapstronaut

    Well said bro, yeah youve come to the right place. Im not a veteran of Nofap per say but Ive seen what this communitee is able to do and trust me they are suportive. We are amongs friend here and were all here to improve not judge each other. But you will need a solid plan to win against the enemy you mind telling us that plan ?
  3. bussani104

    bussani104 Fapstronaut


    That's awesome man. That's totally what I'm looking for.

    For right now I'm gonna start small and fight hard and go a week free. It may not be alot, but for me, even a week would be a HUGE HUGE milestone. When I look at the big picture of beating it forever I get overwelmed and undermotivated, so I'm gonna start small and build from there.

    As far as a plan:
    I'm gonna start implementing better daily habits (working out, stricter schedule, less free time alone at home, etc). I also know my triggers and what sends me to want to masturbate super well, and instead of waiting for those triggers to happen, I'm trying to remove them before they hit (loneliness, tiredness, boredem etc). Basically my plan is to not just fight the bad, but try and focus on good and positive things.

    I'd love any advice for getting through the first few days though,
    D . J . and Detraks like this.
  4. Detraks

    Detraks Fapstronaut

    Dude you don't know hom much setting yourself small milestone is important it make the journey easier then go Im gonna do a year in my firts go.
    Good its important to do something with your new free time if you don't is a hell if a lot harder to resist
  5. Detraks

    Detraks Fapstronaut

    The firts few days are the harder just do something get it out of your mind if needed get a P blocker also you may want to start yourself a log ( you can look at mine for an exemple) just pick your age group and start yourself a new tread. No need to write a novel just small entries everyday detailling how the day went. It will help you learn from your mistake/sucess . Its also a great place for us to give you suppor.
    Stay strong my friend
    if you need anything feel free to start a conversation with me
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2017
  6. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    Welcome to NoFap where you are amongst friends who are here to encourage you and not judge you.

    It looks like you have some great strategies in place already, check out In Case You Didn't Know for additional strategies and tips to help you along your journey.
    Detraks likes this.