Need Help

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by ironman_1839, Jul 10, 2015.

  1. ironman_1839

    ironman_1839 Fapstronaut

    About a week ago i finished a 90 day reboot, i had zero cravings for porn and was feeling amazing all around. Feeling like my problems were behind me, i sexted with a female friend and masturbated for the first time in 90 days. Instead of feeling good however, i began having intense cravings for porn again and wasted two hours today watching multiple windows of porn, just like i did at my very lowest. I am distraught and don't think i have what it takes to go on another long reboot. I put everything i had into that first 90 days, and now i feel like i'm just back where i started. I need some motivation, i need to remember the resolve i had when i began this journey. I also need advice on when i can stop my reboot and go back to masturbating normally.
  2. Icyweb

    Icyweb Fapstronaut

    I don't think people can ever masturbate normally. It will always be an unhealthy thing for your mind, brain, character, and to some degree, your body.
    Once you stop looking at not PMOing as a burden, and instead look at it as a crown, it will be much easier to succeed.
    Sexting is just like porn, and actually falls under the same definition, so I would avoid it if I were you.
    Motivation is great, and you can get that from reading success stories, the panic button, and other areas of your life, but discipline is also really important. To keep doing something, even when you have no motivation to do it, is sometimes necessary when breaking an addiction.
  3. ironman_1839

    ironman_1839 Fapstronaut

    I started NoFap to overcome DE and PIED. How should i rewire next time to beat these problems
  4. The Eleven

    The Eleven Fapstronaut

    You already know the answer, you just don't want to accept the answer.

    Want to get rid of ED? Stop PMO, period. Not just for 90 days.
  5. Septimus

    Septimus Fapstronaut

    My two cents are this: all or nothing thinking is a bad idea. You went 90 days. That isn't without value just because you fell. Even the best golfers slice and get double bogies. If they set out never to miss par, even someone far better than the best on earth would be deemed a failure nonetheless. Does that make sense?

    My point, to be clear, is not to accept or tolerate slips. Only that slips don't make progress meaningless.