Need advice...

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Gottachange97, Mar 19, 2019.

  1. Gottachange97

    Gottachange97 Fapstronaut

    Hey guys. Long story short.... I rebooted from December 2015 to August 2018. Hard mode with no sort of rewiring. So close to 3 years without an intentional orgasm. I was busy with school and didn’t have time to attempt a relationship to rewire with a real woman. This was such a bad time in my life to stay alone all this time as I avoided women mainly due to my fear of having pied again. From August- November of 2018 I was drinking a lot and pmoed for nearly every day for 3 months. I was sexually frustrated and very depressed which caused me to just not care anymore. I met my current girlfriend and I have been without porn or masturbation since November of 2018. So about 4 months. Close to 2 months ago we were able to have sex pretty consistent for maybe an average of 3 times a week. There would be times when it would happen 4 times over a 2 day span though. I am starting to have some erection issues again but I always get very anxious before sex. I am not sure whether it is pied creeping back up or performance anxiety. Im also worried this might have sent me back into a flatline. I’m on the line of trying to go without O for a couple months then trying again or maybe just slowing down to once every week or 2. Should I just slow it down to once every week or 2 and hope it gets better or just try hardMode for a couple months? Also, would the 3 month binge destroyed all progress made over 3 years? Would the 4 months without PM I just did have made up for the 3 month binge? It all just confuses me. I didn’t feel that great during my long stretch of hard mode which maybe makes me feel as if there is some underlying anxiety or depression that needs to be professionally addressed. Thanks for reading I would just really like some opinions on what I should do and if my 3 month binge I went on ruined 3 years of hard mode. Thank you.
  2. Have lost sensitivity? It sounds like you have just being doing things together quite a bit. This will affect you in ways, not necessarily negative, it's just that the drive and needs are being met, and maybe then some. This can leave you feeling a tad spent.
    You're still staying away from PM, which is a good thing and your not using your hand which keeps your sensitivity in better shape.
    Early in a relationship this can happen, eventually things should even out as you fall into a pace of sorts.
  3. Gottachange97

    Gottachange97 Fapstronaut

    I honestly feel like I exhausted myself doing it so much. I’m just worried it won’t get better that I’ll be like this forever. I definitely feel like anxiety might play a role in it. It just sucks I wanna be normal lol. I definitely never plan to go back to porn ever again. Thanks for the reply though man