My thoughts on Avoiding Relapsing

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by goten24, Nov 19, 2018.

  1. goten24

    goten24 Fapstronaut

    If you have a few minutes to waste, let me know what you think!

    I just made this thread to get something out of my chest and trying to keep myself with positive thoughts.

    In the past 3 weeks, some personal stuff happened and I felt really bad and got into porn again.

    I was working out, eating well, avoiding alcohol(not to good when it comes to smoking though) and I felt surprisely good.

    However, I stop doing that and got into the bad habits again. Not just porn, but been eating some junk food, plus during weekends my friends like to have alcohol, and last night it hit me. I said to myself, "Enough is enough I gotta stop this bullshit"

    So last night I got my shoes, put some good music on my headphones and went for a run, something I haven't done in weeks, I expected to be tired after 15 min but I pushed through and made it 42 min, and it was a rainy night where I'm living.

    Will try to keep the streak goin through the week, my stamina isn't as good as before so I got to take one step at a time.

    I'm gonna keep it real, this is for those who struggle to make a 30 day streak. My record was 11 days actually. Don't think I'm a guru when it comes to this nofap thing.

    But the more mistakes you make, the more you learn. What I've learnt with my mistakes, is that whenever you feel an urge to do relapse, think to yourself: "when you feel like quitting, think about why you started" I know this may sound cheesy but it's true!

    Social media can ruin you and make you waste time too, I admit I've relapsed countless times because of that. I like to educate myself about fitness stuff but unfortunately, there's always a chance to trigger a relapse because usually fitness women are always sexually attractive. So might aswell delete the app, find other ways, through youtube(try avoiding fitness women), or read bunch of internet articles. Keep in mind there's alot of information and sometimes not everything you read it's true. Keep educating yourself and let life teach you, what's true and what isn't. Somethings may work for you and not for others, and vice versa.

    When I was on my 8/10 day streak, I was feeling super motivated because I got through a week, so one thing I did when I was home alone, whenever my mind was telling me to relapse, one thing I did was to clean the house. I've always heard if your surrounding looks messy, so is you.

    Discipline creates confidence.

    Also something that happened to me and I know so many people may relate(not everyone though), is that whenever you feel sad or bored, you tend to eat. That has happened to me so much and it affected my life so much. Creating a new eating habit is tough, but if you push it through a week, it will be easier on the second and so on.
    Try to fill your fridge with healthy food. I know life gets tough and money sometimes may be tight. I'm nowhere near rich, but I'm not asking for much. Some eggs, some iogurt(no sugar) with some healthy cereals(avoid any sweet ones), vegetables. Not saying you should stop eating meat and can't have a junk food ONCE IN A WHILE, it's all about balance. I remember being a kid and my mom once went to a nutritionist and told me something she never forget and tried to teach me too, it was something like:
    "The biggest mistake is not what you do once in a while(like having a coke, or a pizza), is what you do on the daily basis."

    Also WATER, lots of WATER. Water will pretty much be your best friends through this changing process. At least for me it was.

    Oh and music helps me too but not gonna speak too much about that. Listen whatever you like, even if that's rock n roll, hip hop, trap, dubstep, piano, jazz etc. Whatever makes you inspired and happy - that's what matters in the end of the day.

    With all that being said, what I just wrote doesn't make me an expert by any means, I make mistakes and this post is trying to keep myself with positive thoughts and hopefully inspire me and others. Even what I just wrote, I been struggling to do it lately. But I will have to do it again. Life is your best teacher.
    We are almost ending 2018, and I cannot be bothered with all that "new year, new me" bullshit again. I had ups and downs, but at least I will end the year by doing the right thing.

    Let me know, what tips y'all have!

    Sorry for the long rant and if there are any mistakes, I'm Portuguese, so English is not my native language, it's not like I speak it on daily basis. Hopefully, I get my point across though. :)
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2018
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