My reasons to abstain from masturbation

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by Deleted Account, May 16, 2020.

  1. To clarify, masturbation is every sexual stimulation of ones own genitalia (or other spots).
    Should I add "deliberately"?

    REASON 1
    It helps me to reboot my brain and to recover from porn addiction.
    If I engage in masturbation I use my sexual imagination which is filled with the porn I've seen. From time to time I do MO in a harmless way, but sooner or later it will ruin my no porn streak as well. I think recovering from porn with or without allowing masturbation is both incredible hard. But it's better (at least try to) keep M at bay.
    I mean comeon! As harmless as masturbation might be, how can I properly reboot when I use these porn fantasies all the time?

    REASON 2
    It is depressing.
    Yes, it often makes me sad. I'm not talking about post-orgasm tristesse here (or whatever you call it) but about the dilemma that I fantasize about women while I'm alone. It frustrates me.

    REASON 3
    A lot of my mental energy, time and effort (i.e. prioritization) goes into a habit that gives me some comfort but is otherwise pretty useless and vain.
    If I abandon this habit and get the comfort from other things I'll free up a lot of mental energy and time that I can use in other ways.

    From Wikipedia:
    Sexual sublimation, also known as sexual transmutation, is the act, especially among some religious traditions, to transform sexual impulses or "sexual energy" into creative energy. In this context, sublimation is the transference of sexual energy, or libido, into a physical act or a different emotion in order to avoid confrontation with the sexual urge, which is itself contrary to the individual's belief or ascribed religious belief. It is based on the idea that "sexual energy" can be used to create a spiritual nature which in turn can create more sensual works, instead of one's sexuality being unleashed "raw."

    I believe there's something to it.

    REASON 4
    It is a distraction from real women.
    To get it going with the ladies I have to do more than stop fapping, that's for sure. However, as long as I get my satisfaction through fapping I compensate and use up my sexual urges that should drive me forward to the real thing. Hey! I'm misusing my urges!
    Not to mention all the unrealistic scenarios and over-the-top sex scenes that I use to imagine in my head. This isn't imagination that prepares me for real life scenarios, it's just self-entertainment and it is contraproductive.
  2. False promise

    False promise Fapstronaut

    You honestly think masturbation is harmless? You have a masturbation addiction, not a porn addiction. Porn addiction is a side effect of an addiction to jerking yourself off. Nobody watches porn without masturbating.

    It’s like blaming McDonald’s for your addiction to junk food. As long as I don’t go to McDonald’s then I won’t eat junk food.. no. Doesn’t work like that. “I’ll just eat at subway, subways healthier right?” -you justifying MO without porn.
  3. That's not quite right. Well there's some truth to what you say.
    Anyway I can tell you that my porn addiction is the major issue here. Porn is the drug, the outer factor. The connection between the three things p, m & o is strong indeed.
    But there are also addicts that don't jerk off while watching porn.
    I recommend to read this thread which explains how internet porn take effect on our brains.

    I don't understand why you tell me that in a thread where I address issues caused by MO (without porn) and find reason to abstain from it. Have you read OP? Or were you refering to things I said elsewhere?
  4. False promise

    False promise Fapstronaut

    I would imagine addicts that watch porn without masturbating, especially single men, are few. Probably like 1%. I know porn is bad for your brain but again.. if you don’t masturbate theres really no reason to watch porn. Which is what your post is pretty much about.

    I said that because your reason 1 downplayed the harm in masturbation.. and obviously you justified that in the past. The purpose of my comment was to shift your perception in order to yield better results.
    icebreaker polarstern likes this.
  5. that hits home.
    icebreaker polarstern likes this.
  6. another one:

  7. Hi icebreaker,
    I agree with most of what you have written. Yet I must strongly differ with you on one point. You state that giving up porn is hard with or without masturbation. I believe that the two, porn and masturbation, are two sides of the same coin.
    If you engage in one you are in fact doing both. I advise you to go hard mode for at least 30 days. After which you will have a better idea what your triggers are. Sexual transmutation is a very practical solution to overcoming PMO. Have you ever heard of the "32 Parts of the Body" meditation?
  8. Hi Dexter Moran! I'm glad for your answer. Just yesterday I looked back on it feeling the significance it has to me. Good you bumped it!
    In my defense, there's definetely a life with M (when single) and without porn/subs and pmo. There are many people out there living like that.
    Ok that was my defense line. But I see as well that it is possible to live without both / to get rid of both. So the important question seem to be why continue with M when living without it would be better?

    Are p and m linked? Very much so. But when I release urges by MO'ing it's much better when I don't use porn or any content that works as porn for me.

    Instead of thinking it through and through, trying it out and doing hard mode for the sake of my recovery would be a much better idea. I just hope I can do so.
    The actual point is: I can do it! (can I?)
  9. Of course you can my friend! But you must be rigorously honest with yourself. Porn/subs is an expression I have not come across for awhile.

    But it has really struck a chord with me. I used to lie to myself, like all addicts, that I was abstaining from porn. However if I saw a woman ,or image of, my eyes would appraise her. Not all women just those I was attracted to.
    This was especially true of those belonging to my imaginary harem. I would "accidentally" come across a certain supermodel/actress/singer etc online or on T.V. Then I would fap. I would tell myself that I was not responsible for my actions. The ubiquity of porn, which is often hiding in plain sight, was to blame.
    Which was codswallop. I actively, although not honestly, had sought out such stimuli. I had chosen to ignore my own bodily defence system. Which was inter alia, tingling in my nether regions, nausea and nervous twitching.
    Learn to obey your own reflexes Icebreaker. Your body is infinitely wise. No amount of self justification or theorizing will deceive it.

    Take care and good luck!
    icebreaker polarstern likes this.
  10. No. But I do meditation, audio-guided most of the time. So I'd like to hear, what is that form of meditation and where can I learn (or download ;)) it?
  11. Thank you and let me congratulate you on 200 days porn free! This is a very special day for you!!! May you enjoy it!

    32 parts of the human body - these are:
    head hair, body hair, nails, teeth, skin, flesh, sinews, bones, bone marrow, kidney, heart, liver, diaphram, spleen, lungs, large intestine, small intestine, stomach, feces, brain, bile, phlegm, pus, blood, sweat, fat, tears, grease (sebum), saliva, mucus, Cartilage /Lubricin, urine

    In German:
    Kopfhaar, Körperbehaarung, Nägel, Zähne, Haut, Fleisch, Sehnen, Knochen, Knochenmark, Niere, Herz, Leber, Zwerchfell, Milz, Lunge, Dickdarm, Dünndarm, Magen, Stuhl, Gehirn, Galle, Eiter, Blut, Schweiß, Fett, Tränen, Talg, Speichel, Schleim, Knorpelgewebe, Urin
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 15, 2020
  12. crazyhorse11

    crazyhorse11 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing icebreaker. Very helpful esp the wikipedia which lead me here
    icebreaker polarstern likes this.
  13. crazyhorse11

    crazyhorse11 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the suggestion on the 32 parts of the body Dexter, will put it into practise right away
    icebreaker polarstern likes this.