My own worst enemy

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by TurinTurambar, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. TurinTurambar

    TurinTurambar Fapstronaut

    Hi, i don't really know where I'm going with this. I guess it's sort of like a catholic confession. Maybe I will feel better.

    I have 4 major addictions right now. Smoking, junk food, being lazy, and transwoman porn.

    1) Junk food: I have been replacing my burgers and fries with frozen vegetables on the stove... so improvement is there, just need to keep pushing.

    2) Laziness: I used to play World of Warcraft for 4+ hours a night. I've since gotten bored with it and have slowly been moving on. Now I have this strange situation where i have free time and don't know what to do with myself. (Even though I do) I know I need to update my resume and get a better job. I know I need to exercise. I have been exercising slightly more lately, but at 5'8" 200lbs i'm in a bad place physically and causally emotionally. I grimace when I look in the mirror.

    3) Smoking: I'm trying to replace smoking with deep breathing (I can't meditate). It doesn't work and I smoke about 5-6 cigarettes a day.

    4) transwoman porn: I've made an intro thread before about this, I might link it later. Basically I used to be totally turned off by transwomen. Now its almost exclusively what I masturbate to/fantasize about. I truly believe if I were able to quit porn I'd go back to "normal" (whatever that means).

    Sorry I just need to vent. My life is like driving a car spinning its wheels in the mud.

    TLDR: I am my own worst enemy and I don't know if the better me will ever get the upper hand.
  2. Septimus

    Septimus Fapstronaut

  3. Gautama

    Gautama Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Hi TT,

    Hang on in there buddy, there is light, even if its just a small glimmer at the moment you just have to keep believing. Regarding meditation, it is my one saviour and it does work you just have to keep at it.