My New Mindset Which Everyone Should Apply

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by quit4life, Apr 8, 2016.

  1. quit4life

    quit4life Fapstronaut

    So let me begin. 2 days ago, I was fapping hard, 3 times daily. I wanted to quit but I couldn't quit. Why? Not enough willpower. So I started browsing the internet in search of answers to my questions. Let me begin.
    Addiction, is said to be the state when you are stuck to something, i.e, it has become your daily intake, and is hard to give up. Now just think of this, when you started masturbating, you didn't get addicted to it at once. You kept repeating it till it became a normal part of you. If you have a habit, maybe a habit of always carrying a handkerchief with you, you will be used to it. You won't forget to carry it. If you deliberately try not to carry it, the thought of carrying it would come in your mind as it's your normal habit. But, if you stop carrying it for a bit of days, you will start forgetting your old habit, i.e it will change. This means that habits cannot be changed all of a sudden. You need to put the same time and effort you had put to create them. Same goes with masturbation. Now just think of it, there are several people here struggling with masturbation and porn. They want to give it up, but they cannot. One reason is that the brain demands more and more dopamine which they get from PMO. But, there is a second reason. When a person tries to quit, he thinks as if he is giving something up, that he will not be able to do this anymore. He thinks that now he won't get the pleasure he gets, even though he knows that the pleasure is not really pleasure. The person has to change the mindset. He has to think that this is a bad habit and giving it up does not make him lose anything. What is he losing, nothing, rather he is gaining. His body chemistry is restoring. Now, his energy levels are getting better boosted by 100%. This is the real mindset. It's not about giving up, it's about getting better, restoring life. Now frankly speaking with this mindset, I feel like I have already restored. The thought to masturbate or watch porn, they don't come to my mind, because I know, they are of no use. So my friends, change your mind.
    "If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change"

    Also I would like to tell you my perspective of looking at PMO. A kind of a story.
    Just think, you got a seed (which is PMO). You planted it, and started watering it daily. It turned into a sapling. You felt, oh my god, I planted a tree, my own tree. You will get attached to it. Now as it grows bigger, your attachment becomes more prominent, why? because you have spent so much time and effort growing it. Think of this plant as PMO, in the starting you felt it was good, it was harmless, but the future was unexpected. As you watered the plant, it grew more, and it became bigger. You started noticing this is a thorny plant, no flowers. You noticed there is no benefit. It is just consuming your resources, not giving anything to you. Then you feel that this plant is useless, and it's better not to cultivate it. Then comes the attachment. You think ,"Cmon! I spent years cultivating this plant, how can I let go of it". This is what masturbation and porn is like. You realize it harms you, but you also think you have been doing this for so long. But what will happen if you continue? Nothing, just this plant will grow bigger, and maybe into a big thorny tree which would be more harder to remove. So before it goes that far, you have to stop it. You have to stop spending the resources given to you by life on the plant, and let it die. Rather, you should cultivate better plants, which give you fruits, flowers, and most of all happiness (here I'm talking about better activities in life, indulging in sports, academics, etc).
    I would end this here, and I hope now your thinking has changed, and maybe you are geared to quit PMO.
    Thank you, and please add your views.
    Coruba67 and Awakening123 like this.
  2. kk76

    kk76 Fapstronaut

    Lots of good info in there.

    It's not impossible to stop. Not always easy and some days I wanted to climb the walls but it gets easier.

    When I learned MO = Improved mood then I latched onto it