My journey through sobriety and freedom

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Kurfus, Apr 11, 2020.

  1. Kurfus

    Kurfus New Fapstronaut

    Dear all,

    Today is my birthday day. But not the day I was born but the day my journey to the sobriety and freedom started two years ago. This is not an achievement at all, it is just the moment when I have looked backwards and see how my life has changed.

    The achievement will be over after I die, after I have been able to keep out of my life the addiction of porn, because this is not about a challenge of 90 days or 10000 days. This is a lifetime fight for the braves, for the ones that want to be the masters of theirs lifes. A fight against what made us miserable and what was making us a prisoner of ourselfs.

    Life is not easy at all, it was not easy before addiction and won't be after. Be aware that the freedom to the porn addiction won't make you happy or successful. It will make you free to choose whatever type of life you choose to live (and not the life of an addict). The goal of life is not happiness, anyone won't ever achieve this every time but on certain moments. It is about the freedom of living the way we choose to live.

    I keep fighting everyday, every moment, every second counts. Because now I'm a new person but I don't forget and won't ever want to forget that I was a former addict and as so, I know that I'm and I will be more prone than the average guy (not addict) of falling back. So everything is important. This is a lifetime work to be done. I keep remaining that my life is possible because I keep fighting, because porn is out of my life. This is the most important battle of my life. If I loose this battle, I will loose everything else, because I won't master my life anymore. If I win this battle I will live a life as a free person.

    So here I'm, I'm just a person, not more clever or not more stupid than the average guy. I'm a guy that found the harm porn was making him. Not worth of telling you my recovery, everyone has his owns and doesn't make sense to compare. Everyone has his timing. Just a few steps I found as the milestones of my recovery:

    First step is recognizing we have a serious problem. Please don't believe the ones saying that porn is healthy or even funny, because it is not. It is a business for them. Not for you. As soon as you realize it will drain you and you will be trapped. Just answer you this easy question: Are you able to live without porn. I mean, not just 90 days but without porn at all? After you make this first step, you have made the most important step of this battle.

    Second step, drastic problems need drastic solutions. If internet is making you fall, quit internet. As simple as this. Otherwise you won't achieve. After sometime you will start feeling better. Keep fighting, don't let down the guard, remember this is a lifetime battle. Don't restore internet because sooner or later you will fall down.

    Last step, live your life and try to find happiness. Try to live a true life, with coherence and without any hidden dirty secrets that will rot you. Don't forget where you came from and the journey your are leaving behind day by day, second by second.

    You can do it.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2020
  2. Eaglevision_2019

    Eaglevision_2019 Fapstronaut

    Wonderful! Thanks for sharing.
  3. Kurfus

    Kurfus New Fapstronaut

    Thanks, hope this helps even a little.
    I pray for all you guys, everyday.
    Hope you find your way.
  4. Castawaycasualty

    Castawaycasualty Fapstronaut

    word to live by... thanks for sharing