My introduction. day 1

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Crazyhamster, Feb 18, 2016.

  1. Crazyhamster

    Crazyhamster Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone,

    I am an 18 year old male, and am currently in college.

    The reason I am doing this challenge is because I feel like I'm addicted to porn etc.
    I tried the challenge the about a week ago, on 10 Februari but failed today
    (18 Februari, 8 days total). I have been masturbating since I was 14 approximately.

    Reason being, I couldn't stop thinking about sex it was driving me crazy.
    But thinking afterwards I feel disgusted, and I don't feel proud of myself.
    This addiction is getting the better of me, and I want it to stop. I want to be in control of my thoughts and actions, and not my hormones.

    Hopefully now being a registered user on this forum will help me with my journey
    kaylee time and FreedomIsHere like this.
  2. FreedomIsHere

    FreedomIsHere Fapstronaut

    Welcome to the forums @Joery, good to have you here! I'm glad you want to make a change in your life!

    If you want to have some support in your recovery, feel free to message me or join our group on NoFap called Heirs of the Sun. We have a serious community of rebooters and many tools in place to aid an individuals recovery.

    I believe you can succeed, you have to want to make that change!

    Shepherd Cleric FreedomIsHere, In Honour of Operation Fallen Soul
    Crazyhamster likes this.
  3. Crazyhamster

    Crazyhamster Fapstronaut

    Day 1,
    18 Februari
    Thank you very much, will most definitely check it out!