My first try, NoFap and NO Hookers

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Hallowiegehtseuch, Sep 27, 2014.

  1. Hallowiegehtseuch

    Hallowiegehtseuch Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone!

    I´ve been fapping since 14 or 15, my social life is really fucked up right now but I hope I can change it, it can´t get worse. I´m turning 20 in November but I have been through a lot of shit.

    To explain everything would go beyond the scope of the discussion but I can say that I had never a real girlfriend, i weight only 132lbs, and I am 6,3 feet tall. I can´t gain any weight and this is also a big reason because I have such a low self esteem.

    The worst decisions that I could have made in my life is to go to prostitutes. And YES, I spend my first sex time with one. But it get´s even worse, I did not try it only once, I had sex with 13 different prostitutes within 2 years.

    Here in Austria you can have very cheap sex (1 hour for 100€, that´s like 130$). And that´s a real problem for me, cause I did it like 4 times without condom and anal. And now I feel like shit after that and I also don´t know if I got AIDS or not.

    So this challenge means to me not only to break the addiction of fapping, also not having sex with prostitutes. Sex without condom is here no problem to get, 80% of the girls come from Hungary or Rumania, though.

    My personal goal is January 2015.
    Wish me luck :)
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2014
  2. Dogwood

    Dogwood Fapstronaut

  3. enoughnow

    enoughnow Fapstronaut

    I hope you can find a way to stop looking at porn sooner rather than later. Porn makes us slaves to our sexual desires and causes us to do things we don't really want to do, like paying for sex.

    I also hope that you do not fall back into paying for sex. In my case, only a bad experience prevented me from keeping on doing it. If that bad experience did not happen, I would have carried on.